Tuesday, March 3, 2015

PNP is a tattoo in my heart and 4th coy is a brother for keeps

Stewardship is everybody's call
Whether it is knowledge, trust or over a tangible thing
We take care of it as if it is the last of its species

Whatever gift we receive from above
We endeavor to enrich and share it to our brothers
The heart is blessed more in giving than in receiving

We may finish our race without literally laying down our life for another
But we have a long lifetime to think less of ourselves and more of others
A little sacrifice becomes a source of bundles of joy

The equation of love is dividing to multiply
What you have from God need to be passed on
Who you are in Christ is meant to touch lives

As we heed our calling
We do not miss meeting wonderful people along
Cool friendships develop even on a day of bonding

To Ai, Jo-an and Pen
I'm fine that you keep addressing me ma'am
And I look forward that we will be "kumares" in due time

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