Friday, March 20, 2015


Define love. It is observing the best for the person's welfare. The best is not necessarily beneficial to the author of love nor it is pampering to the recipient thereof. As no one is born perfect therefore discipline is vital to produce the ideal state. While we accept each other's flaws, it does not justify one's adamant refusal to change to what is apparently wrong. In drawing the line between right and wrong then absolute and perfect reference must be set. The problem with not having a common point of reference is having double standards and we know the trouble of inconsistency.  

In love, we need to accommodate each other's differences but we endeavor to gear towards attaining the best version of ourselves simply because it is the right thing to do. What defines our prime state meets His grandiose will and flawless precepts. We would never be perfect by ourselves. The focal point is perfection before God's eyes. 

To be right before God is wearing Christ's righteousness. Someone who has put on Christ's robe of righteousness understands His ways and thoughts. Imbibing the Lord's thinking and means inevitably makes a person spiritually fruitful. Choosing to disobey the Lord leads to spiritual bankruptcy. It is contradicting for a person who proclaims to be a believer but wastes away his life.

How is the above-discussion significant?

I can love someone who would never be perfect as I would never be too. I could accept him as who he is now BUT in the name of love we will not stop or get pegged on our present state for we will help each other to become better and be the best version of ourselves. Versions which God intended of us and He is able make us so if we will cooperate with Him. 

Forgiveness welcomes back with intention to correct the missed marks.

In passing by the places we used to go
I no longer suffer from heart attack 
If there is any pain left, it is just confusing

The sum of it all, you just hurt me big time
 No sorry, no explanation, no closure
I just braved to embrace them all

Begging someone to love me is not of God
Commitment is done and given freely
It must never be based on force or pity

I strongly believe that women should be pursued
My role to be Miss "TOO" still holds true
Before marriage, honey, go after me

You may invade my dreams sooner or later
This I will do, shake it off right away
What were not meant to be must be thrown in trash

God will grant my prayer
 Me and my Prince Blessing  will meet soon
And He will keep me pure during the waiting season

why did I fall for you?

1. As to romantic relationships, I thought you were the answer to my prayers since I became a Christian.

"Lord, please protect me from falling for the wrong one, do not allow a guy to court me if he is not yet the one meant to be my lifetime partner. Let my first suitor be my first boyfriend and be my husband later on".

However, I realized, you never told me that you were courting me but only instructed me to interpret your actions. Next time, I should be told to clear things out.

2. The sad part, taking the direct meaning of your statements like you miss me, you love me and by interpreting your actions and some meaningful lines, I THOUGHT you were serious about me. I THOUGHT we have a chance to be a couple.

Quite many were wrong about presumptions and I am one of them. Intentions if real are directly and clearly conveyed.

3. In total, i found you to be a really nice person with great potential to be an effective man of God. You have the heart to help others and you are willing to change for what is right. You have what it takes to keep me loyal to you for the rest of my life not because you were my ideal man but because I THOUGHT you have the heart to be that ideal man. It was not about changing your personality because growing in faith is keeping our natural inclinations but directed to giving glory to Christ. Vices indeed must be eliminated because they were not innate and never beneficial to our bodies. One thing that you possess which is extra-ordinary is your being a good listener. A lot of mighty things are accomplished because people know how to listen to God. At times that we take different stands, you solicited my reason and I am glad that you think them over.


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