Sineskwela's theme song has these lines
Bawat tao may tanong, ba't ganito, ba't ganoon
Hayang buksan ang isipan, sa science o agham
Contrary to popular opinion that Science disproves the Bible, a lot of published scientific studies meet the claim of truth by Christians. As the sharp-minded and logical scientists, archaeologists and historians dig the earth, decode hieroglyphs and dissect microorganisms, the results of their explorations only provide more evidence that everything was designed by and originated from our heavenly Creator. However, I am not discussing those studies now.
Happiness is as free as air. Mere eating of ice cream, passing a board exam, a text message from a prospect or receiving an extra allowance can send a person to cloud 9. But---what happens to a person after these momentary bliss, when his day would end with nothing to be happy about? What comes to his mind before sleeping? Having a wrong heart would rob his peace and joy and even deprive him of sleep. Despite all the reasons to be happy, at one point, one will realize, are those reasons really enough to sustain him fighting for the best in life? What is his reason for striving to have a meaningful existence? What gives meaning to life?

Having everything this world could offer does not guaranty lasting joy. An emptiness, a void within will always be felt by a person whose heart is not right with God. It would be an endless pursuit to fill a God-shaped vacuum with anything but God. The heart is the heart of the matter. Even when the person is religious, the same could not replace what He intended to be His place and living would never be right until God becomes the person's first love.
We should be careful as to who or what is our priority in life, as to what comes first in our mind when we wake up or when we are experiencing storm--- do we remember the Lord above all else? Is Jesus the source of our joy, the moving power that we stay good and positive and pick-up ourselves after a fall? There is nothing wrong to rejoice and be thankful for the good things, happenings and people that surround us but if they become the idols of our hearts then things are no longer at their rightful places.We are guilty of disposing God out of our lives if it is not Him who is our centerpoint.

Before snoring till the next sunrise warms your face, ask yourself:
1. Am i really happy?
2. Is my life now complete?
3. Why do I live?
4. What is my purpose in my life?
5. Who is Jesus to me?
If your answers are way different than mine then I believe you are not really happy, you feel unloved and you are insecure that you develop vices and habits that are harmful to your health and damaging to your future.
Happiness for me is just a temporal state reflected on one's face but does not necessarily show the condition of the heart when no one else is watching and when all the frivolous sources of tickles fade. My hope for joy is lasting because it depends on something or Someone consistent. Faith on Christ's unwavering love, mercy and grace is enough to hurdle a person to the final lap of his journey filled with joy, peace and hope in his heart.
Completeness is nowhere but being in the palm of His hands. It is allowing the Lord to take control of our destiny that we feel complete. We would never go wrong if we stay on the path where He is leading us. To know that He is the one directing our steps gives us confidence and satisfaction like no other and our ultimate end of being reunited with Him for eternity makes every test in life just a vapor or a harmless mosquito bite. The certainty of a wonderful eternal end sets our lifetime just a dot if an endless line.

COMPLETENESS is having and not looking for anything else. If a person never experienced having Christ in his life then there is no way for him to understand what it is like to feel complete. To know Jesus and to receive Him as personal savior complete the puzzle but why don't we cut our lives after doing those so that we could join Him in heaven right away? We continue living because life is also a gift from Him and we ought to spend it expressing our deep love and gratitude for what He did for us. Our days on earth is our practice ground as to how we shall be in heaven and our chance to convince others to embrace the truth in Him. As we live in this fallen world, our understanding of Him deepens. At times when we independently exhausted all our human efforts to solve a hard situation but found ourselves at the point of checkmate, from nowhere redemption comes, a door opens, a miracle happens, only then we understand GRACE and this takes place while we are here because imperfection has no room in heaven therefore grace is not extended there anymore.
We must live for the Lord and for His designed purpose in our lives. To know our purpose is to know God because He was the mind behind our creation. Before Christ, the concept of God and His love for His people was somewhat abstract but when Jesus was born, redemption became absolute and we had a concrete example of living centered on worshiping the Lord, a model of full obedience to His precepts and a demonstration perfect and unconditional love.
The greatest question for me then is HOW TO KNOW GOD'S WILL? which will be my next article.
P.S.:I believe that making those pictures above and writing posts like is in line to His will and you know what---- i am happy with it :-) True joy is found in Him and doing His will brings loads of happiness.
Birthdays are special coupled with a good memory and seasoned artistic touch and poetry,
here is the product thereof:
here is the product thereof:
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