Monday, March 2, 2015

Something spectacular in the ordinary

About two weeks ago, i spent my evenings reading R.A. 9344 and related laws for a special lecture in a public school in Surallah which is part of Patrol Plan 2030. However, my beloved bro in the Lord notified me of another engagement, he requested if i could extend a discussion of any topic that is related to police operations. Finally, after the long readings, making of notes and ppt presentation, the lecture pushed through last Saturday in Tiboli MPS :-) It was my first time to conduct a lecture before professionals hehe and it was a bit awkward for the first few minutes where my hand was shaking while I hold the microphone but thanks to God that I got comfortable in a while.

Jo Anne, Mel (pen-pen), Irene (Ai-ai), Jyah, Norietta and Rex were there too. It was cool to see them around and we all shared "boodle-fight lunch" together with the classmates of Dan in MPA. I also met Dario, Melvin, sir Arthur and many others. After lunch, the whole gang went back to Surallah for "firing". Shame on me, I only made one hit-- blame my eyes hahaha

While the rest of the MPA class went ahead, me, Dan and his angels went back to the detachment and ate ginger ice cream. I played basketball while the girls changed clothes kasi hatid nila ako Gensan. We left Surallah past 5pm that is why we reached Gensan just in time for dinner and we had it at Mandarin :-)

We ordered, white chicken, sweet and sour shrimp, honey fried chicken, shrimp dumpling, tea, mango with sago shake for the angels, beef with broccoli, plain rice, fired rice and siopao for pasalubong to some tropa. Yummy dinner specially when shared with good friends :-)

Our bonding did not end in eating because we went and watched the Kingsman (last full show at SM). It was a nice movie which I may recommend to others to watch. We were about to exit SM, I noticed that Ai-ai was not bringing the siopao anymore, yep, Ai and Pen ran back to the theater to get the siopao left in Ai's seat. Ano nalang mga naghulat sa pasalubong kun nabilin gid man to sa sinehan ;-(

Very nice of them because they delivered me inside my tatay's office. I showed to them our family pictures atop nanay's table.  I am extra grateful of those angels that I cannot wait to hang out again with them and next time we will not let our chance to do  VIDEOKE  pass us  hehe  According to my memory, we plan to have the thanksgiving sometime at the end of this month. The celebration includes 4th coy'a award and Dan's graduation.

These angels would be my "kumares" in the future. Nagpabook na si Ai-ai sa second child nya and si Mel for Atheia whose christening is set on November. I kept encouraging them to call me Dux instead of ma'am because good and close friends call each other by first/nick names.  Even if Dan would be transferred somewhere, I'll remain an ally and supporter of 4th Coy.

I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN PICTURES of my first bus ride from Gensan bound to Marbel and my connecting trip to Surralah. The bus I rode left around 6 a.m. allowing me to reach Marbel a bit pass 7a.m and I waited for 15 minutes for the next bus bound to Surallah. When Dan asked of my location, I was already passing by Liwanay Elem. school. Tandararan I arrived ahead of him at the terminal. I forgot the name of the tropa who fetched me. I was really hungry when I reached the detachment around 8a.m.  They shared their food to me (rice, pork adobo and salted egg with kamatis and kalamansi) namit na pamahaw. Syempre nagtoothbrush :-)

The hairs of the angels were still wet which means that I indeed arrived ahead of the schedule. I had short chats with the people there and Jyah, Rex and the rest of the tropa from Banga arrived. The angels and me went with bro in going to Tiboli MPS. Their favorite radio station 97.5  has no coverage over the roads we tracked kaya usap usap galore to fill the air with life.

SPEAKING OF PICTURES, I do not have a single of it to what took place in the Region during the conferment. I'll ask later from Irene or Jo-an because they were my companions last Friday together with Finance. I woke up as early as 430 a.m because they were supposed to pick me up at 6 am but they arrived almost 7am already. We all had our breakfast at Jollibee. Dan, Ai and Jo-an only ate pancake kaya bumawi sa bon chon later hahaha  the lunch in Region was boodle fight also with sardines as the main viand haha

We went to Veranza from the Region to EAT :-) i introduced to them BON CHON :-) They love it and we all had blueberry yogurt for desert.

Usually eating with these people (below) at Bon Chon on Wednesdays after the midweek service.

I don't know the name of this place, here the price of their food is cheap but their food tastes delicious. They have two KTV rooms for 150/hr. It is located before Aweng's balbacuahan in Bula just a short distance from the palengke rotonda. I love hanging out with them but the idea of going home late (past 12) is not appealing to me therefore I could just limit myself to eating with them then I'll do my graceful exit hehe  I need ample rest to keep my mind working the next day,
On Mondays, twice a month, is the schedule of our bible study and fellowship. It is always a blessing to have a bunch of sisters in the Lord. Our favorite hang out place is Cafe Amoree near Microtel and we all enjoy eating their creamy white pasta :-)  

Most of the best things in life are free and do not depend on us because they are extended out of God's abounding grace and generosity.   

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