Monday, December 12, 2011


no matter how tight my schedule will be this semester, I will not set aside meeting with the Bible Study (BS for brevity) Group specially when I commit to teach :) This calling was affirmed when i read Jeremiah 20:9 (NKJV)

Then I said, “I will not make mention of Him,
Nor speak anymore in His name.”
But His word was in my heart like a burning fire
Shut up in my bones;
I was weary of holding it back,
And I could not.

I cannot ignore the natural tug and peaceably sail through the seas of my other concerns for when i do, the storm in me will surely strike my focus and make me less productive on those which i prioritized over the clear instruction from the Lord to meet and share His word. I remember Jonah staying inside the "fishy belly" for three days when he tried to run away from what God has asked him to do and i think I'll find myself in the same situation whenever i entertain the thought of postponing the BS to have more time to study for school. It does not feel right to procrastinate specially when you know James 4:17 NKJV)

Therefore, to him who knows to do good
and does not do it, to him it is sin.

I believe it is best to treat the BS as a two unit subject that it will be accorded ample time and attention. What I and my BS mates should keep in mind is that the BS is for our own benefit and pleasure:

1.) the Lord is blessed when His children gather to learn from Him
2.) we are energized whenever we hear victories over temptations and trials
3.) we have constant friends to laugh with or even cry with
4.) we can lend ear to the one struggling and extend comfort to him
5.) we play, sing and EAT together (thanks to ate Nat's house where we gather)
6.) one of them could be your companion to go malling and jogging (mine is Faith Go)
7.) we corporately pray for our friends, churches, family, teacher, gov't and school
8.) we are connected by a bond established by God and nourished by the Spirit
9.) we also share law school notes :) -thanks ate jazzie, dana, marian, gia, janey
10.) we encourage one another to practice faithfulness, love, mercy and grace

We are going through the book of James which is a very practical book written by the half-brother of Jesus. Taking the verses piece by piece, going pretty "slow" that we have covered upto chapter 3 only since the start of the semester and the following are those we emphasized in our study:

1. In chapter 1 we learned that trials are necessary to our maturity like fire in purifying gold but when we face them God said that we can ask wisdom from Him that He freely gives without reproach. Also in this chapter that we are reminded of the ROYAL LAW (love your neighbor as yourself) and warned as well that sin leads to death.

2. Further in chapter 1, James exhorted the believers to be doers of the word and not merely listeners thereof for it is foolish to remain dormant after knowing what is good and bad. He also said that our wrath does not produce God's rightheousness therefor we should be slow to anger and abound in grace.

3. Chapter 2 dissuaded favoritism or prejudice in the treatment of a brother and called our attention again that our deeds are evidences of our faith.

4. However, James said in the 3rd chapter that while we should be doers of the word it does not mean that we should pay less attention to our speech because words have the power to heal or destroy. Indeed the wild has been tamed by men but we never succeeded in taming our tongues that is why we should constantly ask God to season our words with salt and grace that it may bring healing and not curse. Coming with the right words to say requires a conscious effort unlike with malicious imputations where there is no need to try because it is our natural bend. Not listening to gossips is better than simply withholding your personal opinion while on ears to the source.

I have more to share but for lack of material time I will stop here. I love the idea that even if i will not be a pastor's wife, God can use me to share His word.
God bless you my readers.

All glory and honor be unto our faithful Lord :) happy shalala

Friday, November 25, 2011

On Board

picture by:

Only when i take my eyes off you
that I feel the waves
The anchor seems loose
when temptation comes my way

I'm starting to shrink
oh Lord please help
Call me of little faith
but I'm glad You've reached out for my hand

These doubts lead me nowhere
but right on my knees begging for grace
Establish my steps Father
lead me to Your perfect way

May a Songs of Dux i will have in my heart
treasured times worth remembering back
Spend with me sweet moments
that will last like Your promises

Merciful Lord stand by me
uplift me higher than my troubles
Oh loving Jesus be my bestfriend and Lord
be my world, my all

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


picture by

there is nothing constant in this world but change, choice and God to which i am grateful because:

1. i don't want trials, illness or the climate to be lasting. problems should only for a season that is enough to bring about the value intended for it.

2. when circumstnaces change such as church transition, different professors handling review subjects or recitations in 4th year, the choice to adapt remains

3. why fear the unknown when Someone is good, gracious, faithful, omniscient and omnipresent to guide you in meeting every tomorrow with confidence and joy. He gave His son to die for our sins, what good thing then that He cannot give to us whom He loves with an everlasting and unconditional love.

it is an acceptable fact that life is short so why don't we spend it on something that will impact eternally like:

1. praying- answers may come after our lifetime

2. sharing the gospel- we are responsible on the awareness part and leave to God the awakening point. this we do because we share our Lord's heart to have everybody in heaven (hell was intended for Satan and his angels)

3. living a godly life- we do not only make God happy but it benefits us personally and primarily. life is indeed good if we do not carry baggages of bitterness, hatred, envy and impure motivations. if we are forgiving, helpful and kind to our brothers we will enjoy peace of mind and love will never leave our side.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Annie said “in law school you learn more about life than law itself”. To me, law school is like Paul or Joseph’s prison cell which hinders mobility but never the ministry. Here are some of my writings which are directly related to His present work for me.

The “C”

God wanted to rule over His people but men demanded for a human king.
1Sa 8:6 But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, "Give us a king to judge us." So Samuel prayed to the LORD.
1Sa 8:7 And the LORD said to Samuel, "Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.

In our study of the 1987 Constitution we encountered Article II Section 6 which provides “ The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.” When I searched the Bible i’ve found that God taught us to submit to the government while we keep growing in our faith where church and the state are independent entities.

A. Matthew 22:21 (NKJV) xxxAnd He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
B. Romans 13 1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

Nothing is more comforting than to know that Jesus is our Creator, Chief, and Christ. Our Creator knows our framework for He formed us in His hand and with that we can commit our lives to Him for He surely knows what to do with us. The Chief of the heavens is the most powerful one who could kill not only the body but also the soul. Heaven is on earth when every soul is God-fearing. Nobody is perfect which means that we are all destined to go to hell but we have Christ who provided Himself as the sacrificial lamb for the remission of our sins that we may join Him in heaven for eternity.

I gladly join Joshua in declaring “

Joshua 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Election Day

Cover what you can when you read without missing a meal or sacrificing sleep because God knows when to spare you from trouble. Keep the discipline and calm yourself from unread cases for who knows the teacher is out or a classmate saves it for you. (Proverbs 2:7)

However, only God knows also when to withhold rescue for the sake of a new life lesson. I remember running out of time to read the last case assigned in Election law, alas!, I got the remark: “You are not responsive to the question. You read the case, didn’t you?”. Who’s a 2nd year will waste his seconds not reading? Count me in to the NOBODY list. But, that moment was perfect to learn: accepting joyfully my portion for the day. (1Thessalonians 5:16 ;Romans 8:28; Matthew 6:34)

Law school is a good ground to grow your faith.

Heavenly Rules of Court

We learn from our remedial law subjects the procedure on how things should be done in court. We also know a number of cases dismissed in defiance of the rules such as when there is failure to attach the certificate of non-forum shopping, filing outside the reglementary period, or non-payment of the supersedeas bond when required.

Indisputably our Father in heaven is loving, forgiving and gracious but we should not forget that He is also a just God. The general rule is that the wages of sin is death (hell)(Romans 6:23) but by the blood of our defense lawyer, Christ, redeemed us from it (Ephesians 2:8).

A good warning from John 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? 23 And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!

Don’t let the lies of Satan (the accuser) fool you and be denied for admission in heaven. Know God’s Word, His rules and stay close to your counsel pro bono named Jesus.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the

Choose your battle

How many vacation trips did you miss for school? Do not fret while you count because I believe the pasalubongs make up the stay. The fuss actually is choosing a piece from an array of memento.

Needless worry is what you get when you do not how to choose your battle. Surely cold-sweat recitations, mind-breaking exams, even grief-coated newscast can send us to the institution next block. However, with wisdom and faith we can rest our souls. We need spiritual senses to trade off the unnecessary load for the light yoke. (Matthew 11:28)

Gummy School

Nobody would be brave enough to hug a bear or step on a crocodile when they are real and bigger than your refrigerator but when they are in the form of stuffed toys then you can even have them while you swim through your fantasies. Can you imagine eating a whole shark, worm, croc or bear? I do when they are “gummy”.
Law school seems to be “scary” that would suck all your energy and confidence but it could be “gummy” if you implore the help of the Almighty. There is no short cut in thorough learning where you need to spend the whole semester reading that at the end of the period you will be amazed how you’ve managed to finish the “thick” text books and the fat pile of photocopied cases. You can even tally the times you stand up to look into Black’s the meaning of this and that. Pray for discipline, wisdom, joy in your studies and for true friends.
Luke 18:27 But He said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."


Las night, my sister gave me a 2009 calendar which I pinned on the door. I made marks on the special dates (exam schedule)  that I shall cross out once over. The calendar reminds me on how short is a lifetime and how awesome is the paradise promised by the Lord where every believer shall live for eternity. Actually, In 2008 I bid “see yah” to my grandparents and I shed tears for the temporal separation from them but remained joyful and hopeful knowing that in Christ there are no goodbyes.

We change our calendars after 365 days, it is profitable to know that God remains the same. If you believe that God made you finish pre-school, grade school, high school and college then don’t doubt that He is able to make you finish law school and in time make you a lawyer for His glory.

1 Cor 2:9 But as it is written:"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

Psalms 90:12 So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom

Do not miss the Savior

Recently, we have a stormy weather where I am most tempted to sleep more than usual. Such weakness wrecks my time table, heightens school pressure as a consequence. I have to go to the library or somewhere I can do my readings to be delivered from the trouble of laziness but there are really times where I fail to take heed the wisdom of self-control.

We are now in the BER season, we remember the story of Joseph. Joseph was guided by the Lord in three decisions, 1) Proceeding with the wedding, 2) Fleeing to Egypt with Mary and Jesus, and 3) Moving to Nazareth (Matt. 1-2). This encourages me that God leads and guides us in details of our lives. Each time God may use a different method, but He always guides. May we always be in obedience for our Guide knows everything.

Psalms 139:16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.

T or F

Do you love a true or false exam? To do well at it requires mastery of the law. One had advised that mastery is achieved thru reading the codal provisions at least 5 times before the exam as cows do the “chewing the cud”.
More often than not in re-reading you would scold yourself for missing so many points in your first reading. Take heart therefore to master God’s word that you’ll have a quick recognition of what is true and to use the same to be on guard against Satan’s deceptions.
Somebody wrote in my bible this, “the bible will keep you from sin but sin will keep you from the bible. Lastly, please live out the Word of God for it is application that distinguishes wisdom from knowledge.

Psalms 119:128
Therefore all Your precepts concerning all things I consider to be right; I hate every false way.

To God be all the glory.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Shakespeare’s heart is love at its pinnacle. Top love is not limited to twinkling eyes but more parallel with good habits or healthy addiction. A practice of giving one’s best in all his endeavors gives flesh to that love. And its bones, seeing beauty despite the speck in our eyes called death or debt.

What is to love about people stricken with Down syndrome? too many to tell for someone who uses the eyes of the heart. What are the thorns of the roses for? Protection as true lovers have noted. Mountains and rivers are but a few steps away when a soul finds its mate. Shelves of books are hunted delicacies to bookworms. A medal would always be gold to the person putting it over to the achiever.

Recognition, applause, plaques, smiles, wealth, friends, and even health manifest that laziness made no room. Putting depth or wits and seasoning a passion with art and science would establish it strong as the Great Wall and lasting as Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare’s heart therefore is doing things with compassion and utmost regard to the Creator knowing fully that with God nothing is impossible and in His time all things will be beautiful. Mediocrity and complacency have no roles to play in the life story of a person pursuing to be a legend.

Let this be a rule, one should dream big and let Jesus take the lead for it will be perfect in God’s eyes though not necessarily to man’s poor standards. John Ortberg said “what we refer to as misery is only the underside of God’s breath-taking tapestry”. The pure heart where true love dwells is a heart coated with humility crediting all to God’s glory and is in a man who lives life to the fullest and wasting none of his God-given gifts.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

noted for the bar

1. 5Ls Law, Logic, Language, Love and Lord
Reading law books and reviewers does not make you logical.
2. Prepare several alarm clocks the night before the exam.
3. A wall clock is allowed during the exam
4. ONE POLICY: master one textbook and one reviewer
5. Bar review is not the time to fall in or fall out of love

Thursday, June 30, 2011

dry ground

kahit saan umuulan
lahat pwedeng mapahamak sa lumalaking baha
bawat patak ay babala ng mapanganib na unos

Friday, April 15, 2011


poisoned words can kill a soul
and a fool is deprived with a soft pillow
only when lies are heard that faith is tested
who dares to say no to the red apple?

no death, the faithful will just fall into a deep sleep
the Lord's forgiveness, such a handsome prince
and His promises can rebuild the broken wall
with healing power to mend the condemned poor

strength is tested in the woods
but home is alaways a refuge from wolves
walk outside but do not leave the blade
God's word is the best double-edged sword

meeting the greatest mistake in my life in two days
a taste evil, how frail my faith indeed
i almost fell into the trap
my Father, thank You for rescuing me

Keep holding the strings in Your hands
i entrust to You the story
as time goes, dust may blacken the caharcter
but Your blood can make anyone white as snow

counting little victories,
i never thought can make me climb mountains
where the heart is freer to breathe purity
and for it, to God be the glory

my God i beg You
never let me walk into it again
i don't care how hard the next pull would be
just do it and spare me from any deadly pit

lead me not into temptation
be my guard and shield
Oh Lord, constantly cleanse my ears and lips
multiply my love and season me with discernment

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RZIM Just Thinking 101

No one embraces faith in Jesus Christ based solely on factual evidence. Equally, no one rejects Christianity or loses their faith solely because of a lack of facts. A combination of intellectual, personal and social factors is at work. I would ask readers, whether Christian or not, to explore the life of Jesus fully aware that we form our views on the big questions (and the small ones) through a range of factors. After all, if there is a God, surely we should expect his truth not only to be factually verifiable but also personally satisfying and socially relevant.

Three hundred years before Christ the Greek philosopher Aristotle made an observation about you and me that I think has stood the test of time. In his book On Rhetoric he laid out a theory about how people form their beliefs, that is, how they come to be persuaded by political, religious, ethical and cultural argument. His work, incidentally, was literally the textbook on persuasion for the next two thousand years, right up until the 18th century. Long before our postmodern love of deconstructing viewpoints and seeing through media spin readers of Aristotle delighted in learning from one of history’s greatest minds about why some messages seem compelling to us and others do not.

The Way We Believe

Aristotle said that people form their beliefs on the basis of a combination of three factors: what he called logos, pathos and ethos. Logos is the intellectual dimension. It is the part in us (or in the argument we are listening to) that corresponds to logic and commonsense. As rational beings we like to know that our beliefs are generally factual, reasonable and grounded in something other than wishful thinking. I’m sure most of us would agree so far with the great Athenian philosopher.

But it is a foolish person, Aristotle argued, who thinks we form our beliefs only on the basis of intellect. In addition to logos there is pathos. This is the personal or emotional dimension of belief and it is just as real as the rational part. An argument with pathos is one with a beauty and poignancy that resonates with our deepest self. A message of this kind meets our passions and longings. Don’t misunderstand me. Aristotle was not talking about mere frivolous artistry. He hated what he called mere “sophistry”—a message that was all style and no substance. Part of the reason he wrote his book was to criticize this form of persuasion. Nevertheless, Aristotle was adamant that there was a good pathos, in which a well-made argument also corresponds to our perfectly reasonable expectation that what is true should also be attractive and personally satisfying. This is another way of saying that people rarely change their minds on big issues based only on information.

Finally, there is ethos. This is the social dimension of persuasion. What we believe is hugely influenced by our upbringing, our education and the circle of friends we find ourselves in. It is part of our human nature to accept more readily the views of people we know, admire, trust and love. In Aristotle’s own words: “we believe fair-minded people to a greater extent and more quickly than we do others on all subjects in general and completely so in cases where there is not exact knowledge but room for doubt.” (1) Since the 1960s this has been known as the “sociology of knowledge”—the way our social context informs and frames our perspective—but Aristotle put his finger on it millennia ago.

Take climate change. How do we form our views on this fraught topic? It would be unrealistic to assume that you and I hold our respective views based on facts alone (logos). Professional climate scientists aside, most of us do not have firsthand knowledge of the data. We become climate change believers or deniers not just because of formal evidence but also because of personal (pathos) and social factors (ethos). On the one hand, those of us with slightly activist temperaments or “apocalyptic” personalities will find ourselves drawn toward dramatic climate change scenarios. On the other hand, those who like a good conspiracy theory will easily suspect that the guild of climate change scientists have some ulterior motive in presenting their case. This is pathos at work. More simply, chances are we all find ourselves influenced by social factors on this question (ethos). Our political bias, the university we attended, the friends we talk to about the topic: each of these will have had some impact on our thinking.

What’s this got to do with the life of Jesus—the man and why he matters? Put simply, on a topic as complex and far-reaching as this we ought to acknowledge that our current beliefs—whether positive or negative—will have developed partly through logos, partly through pathos and partly through ethos. No one embraces faith in Jesus Christ based solely on factual evidence. Equally, no one rejects Christianity or loses their faith solely because of (a lack of) facts. A combination of intellectual, personal and social factors is at work.

What I find so interesting as I ponder Aristotle’s insight is the way contemporary believers readily admit the multifaceted nature of their faith. When Christians talk about how they “became Christians,” they will often mention an intellectual component, a personal component and a social component. They will talk about some book they read or sermon they heard that laid out the facts about God and Christ. Their intellect was nourished and impressed. But they will also happily tell you, for example, how one day while pondering the significance of Jesus they felt a deep resonance with the Christian gospel. The message somehow became attractive and personally satisfying. It answered deep longings and clarified certain confusions. And very often such people will admit to having been drawn into a community of Christians, at school, church or wherever, whose lives had an authenticity and goodness that was hard to argue with.

But what I find especially fascinating is the way many skeptics of religion today will not admit that they are skeptics for the same combination of reasons. Instead, they claim to resist Christianity for logical reasons only. There is not enough proof for the reality of God, they say. Books and documentaries on Jesus have undermined his uniqueness or even existence. “I would believe,” I have heard my skeptical friends say, “if only you gave me some proof.”

I don’t doubt that evidence is important to many people. So it should be. (Personally, I’d give up Christianity tomorrow if I thought the facts stacked against it.) But I do doubt that this is the only factor in people’s unbelief—or even that it is always the main factor. I have had too many conversations over the years with avowed “atheists” who, after some deeper discussion and growing friendship, admit that their reasons for resisting Christ are more complex than first acknowledged. An event in the past called into question the fairness or existence of the Almighty. A Christian they once knew turned out to be an ugly hypocrite and it spoiled their appreciation of anything coming out of the mouth of believers. Personal and social factors prove important for unbelief, after all.

The point of all this is to ask readers, whether Christian or not, to explore the life of Jesus fully aware that we form our views on the big questions (and the small ones) through a range of factors. We are complex people. We are intellectual, emotional and social beings, and each of these components plays some part in how we respond to material like this. I will definitely be laying out what seem to me quite robust arguments for the life and significance of Jesus, but I have no intention of hiding the fact that some of what follows appeals to the personal and social dimensions of our lives. After all, if there is a God, surely we should expect his truth not only to be factually verifiable but also personally satisfying and socially relevant.

The God-Question

The world is a very religious place, and the much-heralded renaissance of skepticism dubbed the “new atheism” is unlikely to change things. An important minority of Westerners identifies as atheists but it is much smaller than the publicity suggests. The last World Values Survey (2005-06), the most reliable data set available, found that 10.4% of Britons, 9.9% of Australians, 7% of New Zealanders and 3.6% of Americans accept the tag “atheist.” And even these numbers may be inflated. Olivera Petrovich is an expert in the psychology of religion from the University of Oxford in the UK. In 2008 she caused a stir by presenting empirical evidence that infants naturally incline toward belief in some kind of Creator: atheism, in other words, is not the default position. More relevantly, in a recent interview for the Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) she outlined research revealing that respondents describing themselves as “atheist” 2 in surveys do not necessarily deny the existence of God. A significant proportion of them admit in post-survey analysis that the tag “atheist” functions more as a protest against formal religion than a description of their disbelief in any kind of god.(3) Openness to the divine is more dogged and widespread than we sometimes realize.

Even in my own country of Australia, which has often been described as the first post- Christian society in the world, surveys continue to reveal very high levels of spiritual, and specifically Christian, belief. Sixty-eight percent of Australians believe in a God or a Universal Spirit, and 63% believe in the possibility of miracles today.(4) Slightly more than that (75.9%) believe that Jesus himself performed miracles (while only 6% think he never existed).(5) Most surprising for those of us who live in this supposedly godless country, when asked to rate out of 10 “How important is God in your life? ” (1 being “not important at all;” 10 being “very impor tant”) 57.4% of Australians selected 6 and above; 28% selected 10.(6)

Despite the fact that atheist writers such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are on the bestseller lists worldwide, the larger point remains: the world remains a very religious place. For most people throughout most of human history the stunningly rational universe we see out there and the uncannily rational mind we experience within suggest the existence of some kind of Divinity or Deus responsible for this reality. (I’ll discuss in a moment whether this Deus is an impersonal Mind or a personal God involved in the affairs of the world.)

Perceiving God

I am not trying to prove the existence of the Deus or God. This is not that sort of book, and nor do I think it is really possible. Frankly, I am trying to get the God-question out of the way, so I can focus on the history and relevance of Jesus. I offer these comments simply to point to the near-universal human belief in some kind of divinity. Put simply, most of us perceive in the physical world and in ourselves a larger intention. The whole thing seems arranged not accidental, created not a product of chance. And so we imagine there must be a Creator. The ancient Hebrew poet describes the sentiment well:

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. (7)
The same point was made by St Paul in his hugely influential Epistle to the Romans: “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” (8) Belief in God, in other words, is not a deduction people make only after analyzing evidence and weighing arguments. It is far more basic, more instinctive. It is something most of us perceive directly by living in a world that seems strangely rational in the way it is put together. This is not to deny that countless professional philosophers go beyond this intuition to provide sophisticated arguments for belief in God. (9) All I am saying here is that the perception seems to be a fundamental thing for most of us, which is probably why infants, whether in Britain or Japan (where Dr Petrovich did her comparative research), work out themselves that the world was made by “someone.”

I realize that some people do not “perceive” these things. I am not sure I have an adequate explanation for this, other than to point out that some of humanity’s other grand ideas also sometimes go unacknowledged. Some people dislike music, for instance, and others hate art. I cannot explain this. Plenty of people are anarchists too. They honestly believe that cultural mores, ethical standards and systems of government are bad things, mere inventions which hinder human flourishing. I puzzle over why they do not perceive the truth and beauty found in some form of “rule.” I am not suggesting a connection here between atheism and anarchism or between atheism and disdain of the arts. I am just observing that some ideas can be fabulously compelling to most thinking people and not at all obvious to a minority of equally thoughtful people. Intellectually, I puzzle over atheism just as I puzzle over anarchism and a-artism.

At this point, my atheist friends like to throw in a favorite rhetorical flourish: “You Christians reject all the gods of history except one— we atheists just deny one god more.” The suggestion here is that when Christians reflect on why they reject Zeus, Ra, Isis, Vishnu, et al., they will come to see the good sense of the atheist who simply adds one more deity to the rubbish bin. (10) This is cute and repeated surprisingly often, but a moment’s thought shows it to be rather silly. For one thing, believers in any particular religion do not reject other gods in toto. They deny only the particular manifestations and stories of the other deities. A Christian, for instance, can happily acknowledge the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians or Indians in positing the existence of a powerful Intelligence which orders the universe, whether Ra or Vishnu, and then beg to differ with these ancient cultures when it comes to the elaborations and add-on characteristics of these particular gods. There is an irreducible conviction shared by all worshipers: the rational order of the universe is best explained by the existence of an almighty Mind (or Minds) behind it all. Atheists, then, are simply wrong to liken their rejection of all divinity to a Christian’s rejection of particular versions of divinity.

The analogy of marriage might help. True, I have rejected all other potential spouses in favor of my darling Buff, but this does not mean I have rejected the idea at the core of everyone else’s marriage. It would be a rather zealous celibate who ventured to say, “When you consider why you reject Amelia, Michelle and Heather (the wives of some of my colleagues at CPX), then you will see the good sense of rejecting marriage altogether; we celibates just go one partner further.” As if the difference between committed monogamy and deliberate celibacy is one of degree! There is a huge difference between my rejection of particular marriage partners and the celibate’s rejection of marriage itself. There is an equally large difference between a Christian’s denial of particular manifestations of the divine and an atheist’s rejection of divinity itself. It will take more than neat rhetorical flourishes to undermine the tenacious, near-universal conviction that there must be some kind of Deus behind our world.

Commonsense Deism

Where believers of the various faiths part ways is in the particularization of the Deus. While I can happily endorse the logic behind a deity like Vishnu— that a powerful, intelligent being preserves the universe—I cannot see a good reason to believe, for example, that Vishnu appeared (as the avatar Krishna) to Prince Arjuna on the eve of his great battle with the Kauravas to strengthen him and disclose the paths of salvation. This story comes from the Bhagavad-Gita and, unless I already accept the authority of this sacred Hindu text, I fail to see how I can accept its claims as true. The story doesn’t provide a unique answer to any outstanding philosophical question, so its explanatory power is limited. Nor is there any historical data confirming Arjuna’s visitation or his battle or even his existence. I am left with no reason to accept this particular manifestation of divinity, even though I concur with my Hindu friends that there must be some mighty, preserving Being behind the universe. On the reality of a Deus we agree, but as we start telling stories about this Being we go our separate ways.

This is probably the place to flag the philosophical distinction between deism and theism. Deism accepts that there is a powerful Mind behind the universe, but it stops short of saying anything descriptive about that Deus. A soft deist would simply plead ignorance about the personal qualities of the Deus; a hard deist would insist the Deus has no personal qualities as such: people who say they believe in a “universal spirit” probably fall into this latter category.

Theism, on the other hand, from the Greek word “god” (theos), is deism plus. It accepts the core conviction of deism that behind the rational world lies a rational Mind, but it goes further, insisting that some things can be said about the Deus. In a sense, religions begin with the assumption of deism and then move beyond it to theism as they start talking about the Deus as benevolent, righteous or angry, or that it has spoken in some sacred text, or that it has revealed itself in history, or that it can hear our prayers, and so on.(11) Here, the Deus is thought of not in impersonal terms but as a thinking, personal Theos.

With all due respect to committed atheists, it seems to me that deism is the only responsible conclusion one can draw from simply pondering the uncannily rational nature of the universe. Whether the Deus cares for us, what its moral views are, whether it hears our prayers, whether it guides human history—i.e., whether the Deus is a Theos—are second order questions that lie beyond simple rational observation of the physical world. Please don’t misunderstand me: personally, I am a theist not just a deist. But I will happily acknowledge that my theism rests not on rational observation of the physical world but on other factors I will discuss in a moment. What I am saying is that thoughtful reflection on the origin and nature of existence will lead you only as far as deism, i.e., to the conviction that behind the orderliness of nature and the corresponding rationality of the human mind must lie some immense Mind.

Albert Einstein was a deist, so far as we can tell from his own statements and from those who knew him. He rejected both theism and atheism, preferring to acknowledge some kind of eternal spirit whose rational nature was imprinted on the physical universe (he frequently used the word “God” but only in this nebulous, deistic sense).(12) Other famous physicists like Professor Paul Davies of Arizona State University (formerly of Australia) also admit to something like deistic views. Davies even wrote a book called The Mind of God in which he openly discussed his conviction that the order of the world and, in particular, the emergence of our own rational minds cannot have been an accident but were in some meaningful way intended. (13) I sometimes wonder if even the avowed atheist Richard Dawkins is sympathetic to some form of deism. “My title, The God Delusion,” he writes, “does not refer to the God of Einstein and the other enlightened scientists of the previous section … In the rest of this book I am talking only about supernatural gods” (original emphasis). (14) Einstein was critical of atheism just as he was critical of personal theism, so I am left wondering what exactly Dawkins is approving and disapproving of here. (15) Whatever the case, recently an even more influential skeptic than Dawkins moved from atheism to overt deism. Antony Flew was professor of philosophy at the University of Keele (and Reading) in the UK and author of a number of important textbooks on philosophical atheism, including God and Philosophy and The Presumption of Atheism. (16) Flew has been as influential among professional philosophers as Dawkins has in the general public. But in 2007 he surprised many by publishing There Is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind. (17) Actually, Flew stops short of saying he believes in “God” in the personal sense, but he is clear that “the three items of evidence we have considered in this volume— the laws of nature, life with its teleological organization, and the existence of the universe—can only be explained in light of an Intelligence that explains both its own existence and that of the world.” (18) Christians were jubilant, almost claiming him as a convert; atheists were outraged, suggesting Professor Flew’s old age had got the better of him. Neither is appropriate. Flew had just joined the commonsense ranks of the vast majority of people throughout history in perceiving that the rationality of the universe and of our own minds can only be explained by the existence of some sort of divinity. Deism is common sense.

The Obvious Next Question

If deism is the commonsense position, why bother going further and speculating about the nature and involvement of the Deus? Why not just feel the occasional moment of awe and reverence toward “it” and get on with life? Do we really have to enquire into whether the Deus is a Theos? Part of the answer is: it’s the obvious next question. If there is a great Mind behind the universe, common sense compels me to ask whether (and what) that Mind thinks and, in particular, thinks of us. Sure, I may reject all the answers currently on offer, whether concerning Krishna or Jesus or whatever; I may even decide the question is beyond human knowing. But it is still a sensible question. And most cultures have had a go at answering it.

The question of whether the Deus is actually a personal Theos cannot be answered by mere rational observation of the universe. This is not like looking at the orderliness of nature and the rationality of the human mind and concluding that Intelligence is a better explanation of our existence than coincidence. It is not a scientific problem at all; it is a personal and historical question. It is more like asking Does my wife truly love me? or Did Alexander the Great really reach India? Science contributes little to such discussions. But does this mean I cannot still arrive at confident answers to both questions (in the affirmative)? No. In the first case I rely on personal experience of my wife. While this will not be probative for those who do not share my experience, it is nonetheless utterly compelling to me. In the second case I rely on multiple ancient sources which tell me about Alexander’s exploits in India. These two ways of knowing—personal experience and historical testimony—are perfectly adequate paths to drawing firm conclusions. Neither is “scientific” in the normal sense.

What has this got to do with God? Many people “sense” God personally. They find themselves getting to know him in a way analogous to befriending someone. Here, things like meditation, personal prayer, reading Scripture and the transformation of their moral and emotional life convince many that God is truly present in their lives. They have personal knowledge. Of course, talk like this will not convince those who have not experienced such things; skeptics often scoff at claims of “religious experience.” But for people who have actually felt the divine in this way, it provides a very compelling reason to think that the Deus is a Theos. The great Mind they intellectually know to exist is encountered in daily experience personally. Whole books have been written on this personal dimension of knowing God (only some of which I would recommend(19) ). This is not one of them.

But what about the historical dimension of the God-question? Beyond personal experience, we might also look for some indication on the world stage that the Deus has touched the Earth in a public, tangible way. Evidence of such a divine-human encounter would provide grounds for thinking that God was interested in us. It would give us a reason for moving from deism to theism, from a rational intuition that the universe was intended to a warranted belief in a personal God. This involves historical questions more than scientific ones.

Science can only really test what is observable and/or repeatable: chemical reactions, fossil records, cosmic background radiation and so on. But, almost by definition, historical events are unobservable and unrepeatable: Alexander’s march to India, Pontius Pilate’s execution of Jesus, the mugging of a certain Dionysius son Zoilus at the bath-house of Aristodemus.(20) The vast knowledge of Einstein, Davies, Dawkins and Flew combined could not adjudicate on evidence of God’s involvement in history, since such evidence would have little to do with universal constants; it would involve historical particulars. The brilliance of an Einstein or a Davies might confirm our suspicion that atheism is very probably false and that the universe was in fact “arranged,” but scientific expertise cannot help us assess whether Krishna appeared to Arjuna on the plains of Kurukshetra or whether Jesus lived, taught, healed, died and rose again in first century Palestine. Such things are said to have happened at particular times and particular places. That means we are looking not for a verifiable principle of mathematics or a theory testable in a lab but for a “dent” in the historical record matching the claims. We are looking for independent sources written close in time to the purported events by people sufficiently free of impure motives. This is exactly how we know that Alexander reached India. It is an important part of assessing claims about God acting on the stage of human history.

The Odd Thing about Jesus

This book explores the daring claim made by the world’s two billion Christians. Uniquely among the great faiths, Christianity goes out on a limb by making claims which can, to a significant degree, be investigated historically.

All religions claim some sort of “revelation.” Buddhism depends on the profound insights gained by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) during his moment of enlightenment while meditating under a Bodhi tree. Hinduism looks to the Vedas passed on to the first man at the dawn of time. Islam says that the angel Gabriel dictated to the Prophet Muhammad the very words of God. (21)

But Christianity claims something very different. At the heart of the world’s largest faith is not a lone spiritual insight, a mystical story from the dawn of time or a dictation of divine words in a holy book, but a series of events which are said to have taken place in public, in datable time, recorded by a variety of witnesses. For better or worse, Christian Scripture is fundamentally different from other holy books. In the events of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection believers claim to observe a tangible, testable sign directing us to the “kingdom of God.” Christians are therefore claiming to possess not just a “dogma” – a set of divine truths – but a verifiable history. As a result, the beliefs and texts of Christianity become uniquely open to public scrutiny. It is as if Christianity places its neck on the chopping block of academic scrutiny and invites anyone who wishes to come and take a swing. Which is why historians and biblical scholars of all religious (or non-religious) persuasions in universities around the world feel at liberty to view the Christians’ holy book, the New Testament, as a simple historical text.

Let me illustrate the difference this makes to our search for evidence of God’s involvement in the affairs of the world. Imagine that the rest of Life of Jesus were an exposition of a revelation I received in a dream in which my great, great grandfather spoke to me about the true nature of divinity, the mysteries of the afterlife and the proper way to conduct my life. How would you judge (a) whether I really did experience the dream and (b) whether the content of the dream was true? Par t (a) you could only take on trust. By definition, a dream is imperceptible to all but the one who experienced it; independent corroboration is impossible. How would you assess par t (b), the content of the dream? You could take the subjective path and just see if what my great, great grandfather taught “resonates” with you, whether it feels right. But what if my divine disclosure did not immediately resonate with you: could you still make an assessment of the truth or falsehood of its content? It is difficult to see how. Without some “this-worldly” sign suppor ting the truthfulness of the dream’s content, it cannot be verified. And so you are left with the subjective assessment: Does it seem true? Many religious conversions operate at this instinctive level. People hear a message (or are brought up hearing it) and they find that it fits with their personal situation or meets some felt need. So they accept it as truth. (People reject faith or drift away from it for equally subjective reasons.)

Many religious claims are as immune to external testing as my hypothetical dream concerning the Dickson patriarch. Did Prince Arjuna see Lord Krishna and learn from him the highest path of Bhakti or devotional religion? We cannot rule it out. But nor can we apply any objective assessment. As I said, this story comes to us in the Bhagavad-Gita and has no historical corroboration. We may read the Hindu scriptures and find them “speaking” to us of eternal truths, but we cannot point to any near contemporary Indian text or archaeological evidence confirming the battle on the plains of Kurukshetra or the existence of Arjuna, let alone the appearance of Krishna. The Bhagavad-Gita itself is not even written in historical prose. It is a poem. All hope of identifying historical sources within the text—a normal part of the scholarly analysis of Tacitus or the Gospels—must be abandoned.

Please don’t misunderstand my point. I am not criticizing my Hindu friends or even saying that their stories are false. Indeed, they cannot be proved false. I am making the broader philosophical point that the claim at the heart of the Bhagavad-Gita cannot be tested in any external way. The appearance of Krishna to Arjuna turns out to be an a-historical claim that can be believed only by taking it on faith. Isn’t Christianity in the same position? Yes and no. Much of the Bible is as untestable as the Krishna story. Millions of people believe it and feel that God speaks to them through it, but if they are asked “What is the evidence that God revealed himself to Abraham?” or “How do you know the book of Revelation reveals the future?” Christians usually reply, “I just do” or “It makes sense to me” or “I know it in my heart.” I do not dismiss the validity of this approach. If God has revealed himself in a book, you would expect it to “resonate” in this manner. The problem is: that doesn’t help those looking for a reason external to faith to accept the Bible as true. That said, there is one portion of the Bible that is historically verifiable to a high degree, and it happens to be the central part of the story. The life of Jesus is completely unlike Abraham’s epiphany or the visions of Revelation. It is in a category altogether different from Krishna’s appearance to Arjuna. Jesus has left a “dent” in the historical record, and a significant one. The central claims about him belong to the same category as the claims about Alexander reaching India. We can test them. We have data and methods, external to personal faith, for demonstrating the events of Jesus’ life.

What We Can Know Confidently

As we will see throughout this book, the vast majority of scholars investigating Jesus—whether they are Christian, Jewish or atheist—are confident about the following historical details: Jesus was born during the reign of emperor Augustus, grew up to be a famous teacher and healer in Galilee, called a small group of disciples, scandalized the religious leadership by closely associating with “sinners,” clashed with the Jerusalem elite over his sharp criticisms of the Temple, was arrested, tried and crucified by the Roman prefect Pontius Pilate and, shortly afterwards, was declared by his first followers to be the Messiah risen from the dead. All of this we can affirm without recourse to religious faith. We have enough sources close in time to the events themselves to declare at least these things to be historical fact, and only someone employing avoidance strategies would dispute them.

Many of the great public universities of the world, such as Oxford and Cambridge in the UK or Harvard and Yale in the US, offer undergraduate and postgraduate units on New Testament and early Christianity. Such courses are not “theology” in the confessional sense found in seminaries and theological colleges. They are what is called “biblical studies,” the historical analysis of Christian Scripture free from dogmatic constraints. Sometimes you even find courses in Classics or Ancient History departments on things like “New Testament History” and “The Historical Jesus.” Australia’s largest department of ancient history is at Macquarie University. It offers no fewer than eight units on Jesus, Paul, the New Testament and early Christianity.

My earlier analogy of a dreamlike revelation does not apply to the story of Jesus. A more appropriate illustration might run like this. Imagine I came to you claiming that my late great, great grandfather revealed himself not in a dream but in Times Square, New York, last Monday during the morning rush hour. His appearance stopped the traffic and left witnesses dumbfounded as he explained to them the truth about the spiritual realm. Leaving aside the comical nature of the analogy, the claim itself is one you could test to some degree. You could watch the news services, read eyewitness accounts, check the New York traffic reports and so on. You might not be able to prove it beyond all doubt, since there is always room for skepticism about things you have not personally experienced, but a fair-minded person would be able to arrive at a reasonable judgment about its truth or falsehood. You would be able to decide whether the claim is supported by the kind of evidence you would expect if such an event had taken place. If you found no evidence at all, you would be well within your rights to dismiss it. If you found good evidence, or at least more evidence than you would expect if the story were a fiction, then you could quite rationally accept it as true. This is what I mean by a testable claim.

The central claims of Christianity are to a degree testable. You can apply the normal tests of history—the same ones applied to Alexander’s campaign in India—and find that we do in fact possess exactly the sor t of evidence you would expect if the core of the Jesus story is true and decidedly more evidence than you would expect if the story were fabricated. The evidence is not probative, so skeptics still have plenty of wiggle room. But the “dent” in the historical record is significant enough for any fair-minded person to accept that, whatever its explanation and significance, the life of Jesus really looks as though it took place in much the way the Gospels say it did.

The reason for pointing all of this out is to underline that in the claims about Jesus we have a reasonable indication that the God of our hunches has touched the ear th in a tangible way. His story is the kind of thing you would expect to find if God really were interested in us. It is a story that not only resonates at the personal and cultural level—which is why so many think of Jesus as the most influential figure of history—but one that, objectively speaking, looks as though it is true. I remain a devoted theist rather than a commonsense deist because I am convinced that the great Mind standing behind the rational order of the universe has entered into human affairs in a concrete way in the life of Jesus. (I also freely admit to experiencing God personally through my reading of the Bible, answered prayer and the slow but real transformation of my life under the influence of his presence.) Of all the religious claims in the world, I believe that Jesus’ life provides interested observers with the most plausible, externally testable reason for moving beyond intellectually respectful deism to a hear tfelt (but no less intellectual) theism.

I call Professor Antony Flew as witness again. In the main part of There Is a God Flew simply outlines how an avowed philosophical atheist came to join the vast majority of men and women in believing in “a self-existent, immutable, immaterial, omnipotent, and omniscient Being” (22) —in other words, a Deus. But at the back of the book (Appendix B) there is an extraordinary little essay by the British biblical scholar and Bishop of Durham, N. T. Wright. Flew invited Wright to pen something on the historical nature of Jesus. Flew explains, “If you’re wanting omnipotence to set up a religion, it seems to me that this is the one to beat!” (23) He says he still has doubts about the resurrection of Jesus, but he admits that if such a thing as a tangible revelation from God exists, Jesus is the best candidate. I hope I am not misrepresenting Antony Flew’s position when I say that these opening chapters and his closing one share a similar line of reasoning. There is a Deus: the strikingly rational laws of nature and the uncannily rational capacity of human minds to comprehend those laws are best explained by the existence of an immense Intelligence behind the universe. Whether or not that Deus has revealed itself to the world is the next obvious question, and the claims about Jesus of Nazareth provide the most compelling affirmative answer available.

Flew admits to a certain excitement about this possibility (24) but he remains undecided about the reality. Of course, I go further. I am not just excited but confident that Jesus is God’s tangible disclosure. He is exactly what interested observers need in order to confidently move from a vague acknowledgement of the divine to a sincere trust in a personal God. What follows in Life of Jesus, then, carries somewhat more significance than if this were a Life of Alexander (as interesting as that would be). In the events of Jesus we find God himself publicly at work in the world. That is the basic claim of Christianity. Once we get going in our historical analysis, the God-question will fade into the background a little. But this cannot obscure the fact that whenever one investigates the figure of Jesus, life’s most profound questions sit invitingly in the corner.

John Dickson is Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University, co-director of the Centre for Public Christianity in Australia, and an adjunct apologist with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.

Taken from Life of Jesus: Who He Is and Why He Matters by John Dickson (Zondervan, 2010). Copyright © 2010 by John Dickson. Used by permission of Zondervan.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What should I do?

While I say that i am exercising discernment others say that i am being judgmental--very distracting indeed because it is an issue that directly involves my behavior for if it were my looks only i would not care much. Oftentimes, I say sorry for that projection and try to lock my stand within. God is always on the rescue and I love His gentle ways of showing my wrongs and affirming my choices as His.

In times when i doubt my heart, talking is not an option for it might just worsen the situation and result to broken relationships. My default disposition is peace to all mankind that is why sorry is automatic and further discussion is set aside. There is great gain in controlling the tongue :) for indeed out of it are not only praises but also curses.

Praise God who is able to shut our mouths and reveal the true state of our hearts. God can also give us teachable hearts and transformed lives. What is crucial is that transformation is daily fo the rest of our lives and it is something we should ask of God because it is never His way to impose things against our will.

Therefore, what should i always do is to pause, reflect and allow God do His way. I once read from a magazine that reflection without action is passive while action without reflection is unwise/suicidal.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Paper week

1. two pre-trial briefs
2. 3 memoranda
3. 1 legal opinion

what do i have to say about the list? nothing. That's my problem, i have nothing in mind that would help me finish those papers. hush! I just want to watch the sky. Lord help! inspire me! give me appetite to finish these requirements that i can focus for the exams.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

God in Narnia

it is better to be late than to be advance- jezreel

sa movie pana, pag advance kay pirated dayun pag late kay downloaded. ako kay sa late wah peke gyapon. bitaw i watched Narnia (the voyage of the dawn treader) last Friday night and i noted the following lines:

1. do not fall into temptation. to defeat the darkness out there you need to defeat the darkness inside yourself- Coriakin

Temptation is real that is why we are warned against it. It is even found in the model prayer “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”. In the battlefield remember --John 16:33 Jesus said " I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

2. Unhand the tail! The great Aslan himself gave me this tail, and no one – I repeat, no one – touches the tail- Reepicheep

If we could only see life the way God intended it to be then respect, love, nourishment, protection and grateful hearts would fill the world. We would not complain at all nor desire to destroy what God called beautiful. A line in the song Trust His Heart goes this way “God is too wise to be mistaken”— He was not wrong that you were born with that physical make-up and you should be thankful with it. The rose’s thorns were put with purpose so is the rat’s tail.

Genesis 1:31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.

3. You cannot take anything out of Narnia Edmund- Caspian as King

Worry has no room when God is in control. Chance is not part of the picture.

1 Cor 10:13No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
A good reminder that God is King and His will should be done.

4. Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people-Reepicheep

My reflection on this is “Let the extraordinary be ordinary”. —we have witnessed extraordinary characters and successes are possible when God is at work, so why don’t we let God work in us and through us every day and for the rest of our lives.

5. you doubt your value, dont run from who you are- Aslan to Lucy

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;-- so do not forget after whose image you were created and all those who surround you bear the same image.

Note: plural=triune God

Matthew 22: 20 And He said to them, "Whose image and inscription is this?" 21 They said to Him, Caesar's." And He said to them, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

What is due to God? our adoration, obedience, love etc.- God’s imprint is on everybody and it implies that we give to any person what is due to God such as love and respect but not those relating to the attributes of being God.

6. when you grow up, you should be just like you- Lucy

If we are to transform that is to be more like Jesus – consider 1Timothy 6:6 Now godliness with contentment is great gain.

7. But there I have another name. You were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there- Aslan

In the book Narnia he is Aslan but in the real world He is God. We learn some of God’s nature in Narnia but He left us the Bible if we desire to fully know His person.


Remember: not because it is good that it is best—between two good things-one of which is God’s will.

1 Corinthians 10: 23 All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify. The “all” refers to those which do not cross the boundary.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the friend

i thrive in one-on-one relationships. i find it hard to accommodate everybody, to treat everybody equally or not to scout for a partner in crime buddy in a group. having lots of friends is a lovely thought but like having a number of admirers only one them will the spouse of beauty.

contrary to that thinking, i always endeavor for the best friendship to share with anybody that God will bring into my life. while everybody is welcome to be my friend i would not force any to stay. if proximity is not the issue, i will not leave a friend cause i hate the feeling being abandoned and left alone. being forsaken once, twice or more is not a barrier for a new start.

friends leave:
1. change of residence
2. caught up in busyness
3. unknown reason

in the absence of communication, friendship fades and becomes bland but it will not die nor end. it will survive even when the friend is gone. it will be considered a happy memory and not just a part of history.

i am just a text away
and i promise not to be a pest
i will hold you dear
though at times you do not care

if to say hi is so taxing to you
don't worry i completely understand
what keeps me hopeful?
someday we would walk together in the Holy land

God bless you my friends :)

God said "it is not good for man to be alone".
Dux said "it is dreadful to be alone and lonely".

Monday, February 28, 2011


spent half of the day reading
salt in the food does not matter
headache, dead phone
insomnia becomes a phenomenon

exam's getting the crown
it is stealing rest
worry may come in
how easy to forget who is King

a million thanks
to the God who sustains
to the One who remains faithful
to the Strength of all

when stress gets on its way
Lord be our health
in our hopelessness
show us mercy and grace

help us to seek Your kingdom first
fill us with Your spirit
ready to do every good work
praising You in our learning and passing grades

Saturday, February 26, 2011

in Christ alone--brian littrell

guard your heart by steve green

Oh, be careful little eyes what you see
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see

What appears to be harmless glance?
Can turn to romance
And homes are divided
Feelings that should never have been
Awakened within
Tearing the heart in two
Listen, I beg of you

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
Don't trade it for treasure
Don't give it away

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
As a payment for pleasure
It's high price to pay

For a soul that remains sincere with conscience clear
Guard your Heart

The human heart is easily swayed
And often betrayed at the hand of emotion
You dare not leave the outcome to chance
You must choose in advance
Or live with the agony
Such needless tragedy

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
Don't trade it for treasure
Don't give it away

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
As a payment for pleasure
It's high price to pay

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
Don't trade it for treasure
Don't give it away

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
As a payment for pleasure
It's high price to pay

For a soul that remains sincere with conscience clear
Guard your Heart

For a soul that remains sincere with conscience clear
Guard your Heart

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


bangon na mahal
sabay nating purihin ang Maykapal
pasasalamatan sa bagong simula

ihahatid ang mga supling
halik ni inay baon ni neneng
ingat anak ang huling bilin

ituloy ang araw
babatiin ang katrabaho
ibabahagi ngiti at pochero

uuwi ng maaga
ihahanda ang tinola
kain mga mahal, tayo'y lubos na pinagpala

araw ay matatapos
muling magpapasalamat sa Dios
sa pag gabay sa aking pamilya

i leave to God how I shall be a housewife-lawyer :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

passion in poverty

every morning oh Lord
seek my heart and take away every impurity therein
keep me holy before Your eyes
because i cannot afford to be separated from You

let my tongue confess of my sins
and rejoice of Your forgiveness
to start afresh
depending fully on Your mercy and grace

i know i am weak
please empower me by Your spirit
that i will live this day
endeavoring to bring glory to Your name

hear my plea
lead me back to the cross
remind me that i was once lost
but You found me and gave me love,life and family

be the reason that I live
be the hanky when tears fill my eyes
be the song of my heart
be My first love

i am always busy
i miss sharing life to others
i neglect furthering Your kingdom
how i need wisdom for management
passion to share and connect

nothing is impossible
to You majestic King
speak now
make me rich in Your spirit

sad-an ang radyo

studying on the same spot is dull that is why i carried my study table outside our dorm--pwesto ko sa hagdanan. wah! samok jud ang lamok ug mga makina sa kadalanan. inilabas ang radyo sakaling makatulong :)

nah alas syete palang kay musign-off na ang Mango Radio kaya natunong sa Cross Over, Home, Killer B, (kay Papa Jack)sa Love Radio. sige ug balhin stasyon kay laban storya,tug-tug man unta tuyo.

sadihang tinuig naman ata koy walay paminaw ug FM--ug sadihang si renz verano, boyzone, april boy nanganta-- wa intawon nanigurug basa ang bata kay niapil concert.

kahadlok pero kabisado diay nako ni:

Ikaw pa rin ang nais ko
Damang-dama ng puso ko
Mahirap na dayain ang isipa't damdamin
Ikaw pa rin ang hanap ko
Mapapatawad ba ako
Muli't muling sasambitin
Sinisigaw ng damdamin
Mahal pa rin kita, oh, giliw ko...

yayks bigo man na uy--
nakatawa pajud sa jokes na
1. "walang matigas na tinapay pag nalingkuran"
2. sa nauutal magsalita "nagmamadali ka?--bakit mi taxi na sa labas"

pinakamasaklap nakasulat ko ug upat ka tula.

Not because I can't love you
Thougts of you will leave me
Not because I feel pain
I'll stop smiling

I will surely miss you
I might cry for the "till then"
Because I don't know if it will come
I even doubt seeing you after the exams

Stay, stay distant
It is best that way
You will never know my heart
You will never know I've loved

Liking you is like eating
french fries without salt
Noticing you is a kite with cut thread
It'll soon hit the ground

Admiring you is like a violet highlighter
traces titles and numbers
outlines a form
but misses the substance

take away the emotions
what is left?
the simple you

Let me know we are acquaintances
Smile when we chance each other
Whether in the library or in Conners

Let me know we are classmates
Share your notes
Text me if our teacher is absent and we will have a quiz

Let me know we are friends
Greet me on my birthday, visit me when i am sick
Crack jokes when i am sleepy but there still more to read

Let me know we are lovers
God told you so
By then, we are ready to say "I do"

I'm not tall
Neither fit in shape
I'm not a head turner
Neither a medal-collector

Jesus is all I have
In Him, I have everything

In His time
All things become beautiful
The sinners becoming faithful
The dead becoming fruitful

Looks fade
Health fails
But personality blooms with age
To one who fears the Lord

If you'll miss it now
There is still tomorrow
Someday, take the chance
I might be your better half

sa bi ni papa jack :)
huwag mong pigilan ang paghanga
ituloy mo lang hanggang sa mawalan kana ng dahilan

sabi ni dux :)

Monday, February 21, 2011


Dying is beautiful
A day to finally see Your smile
To touch those pierced hands
To hug You God-Dad

While I still breathe
Let Your Spirit fill me
That I'll not think we are apart
Not to hasten my last

Longing to hear
"Well done My servant-child"
I'll reply
"You did it all, eternal thanks God-Dad"

All I want in this life
To worship You in comfort and strife
With my family, friends and enemies once

As You have adopted me as Your own
Do also to those You have called me to love
That's my lifetime prayer God-Dad

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Little Big Things

1. Fred does not like drinking cold water
2. Bam is into photography
3. Janey collects stress balls
4. Ate Sheryl and Angie regularly attend G12 fellowship
5. Marian's dad is a dentist and yellow is her favorite color
6. Gail adds more salt
7. Vickie jogs faster than me :)
8. Annie will escort you to the door/for a ride
9. Faith plays the guitar through plucking
10.Anime-looking guys attrack Genie
11.Lycel will not say no if you offer her hopia(baboy is her fave)
12.Kuya Ron eats a lot of Mr. Chips
13.DM separates the bun and the patty when eating burger
14.Joecabs is Mr. Cinema
15.Ate Zen wants to play basketball
16 Ien enjoys washing clothes (helerang black shirts)
17.Roxan does not eat the gulay sa sinabawang karne(naay baon na rice)
18.Iza sleeps as she wishes (never knew insomnia)
19.Charnem never tasted beer
20.Nag-iisang anak sina Charlen and Randolf
21.Kuya Rex' bible is KJV
22.Paul's favorite color is light blue
23.Jeff loves Mathematics sya ay dakilang tito
24.Euj and Gibb teach swimming lessons
25.Bunso yan si ate Ching

spending time with people makes us aware of their likes, dislikes, struggles, and other facts that would help us understand their person. what gift to give is easier when we know well the receiver. Moreover, familiarity bears respect. we do not only know our friends for inevitably we become like them or they become like us as we share our dreams and lives together. love and encouragement are part of the footprints.

if we wish to please God, know His will and heart for us then I believe it is necessary to spend more time with Him through prayer and the reading of His word. everything that He wants us to know is written in the bible. above all, when we obey Him then we are on the right track and as we progress along we are transformed to be more like Jesus--that glorifies the Father.

hinay hinay lang
it is a lifetime process

Monday, February 14, 2011

no class on valentines day

making bouquets can be learned overnight and can make one very tired. we honed the skill out of more or less 20 dozens of roses. i hope they sold everything. i thought it was profitable because the selling price was 2x the cost of the materials but after a day's work--the buyers can't afford the flowers if we would charge them of the labor.

it was fun after all and i am grateful that maam Sagmit did not hold class in Insurance otherwise i am in danger of another crap recitation. next year will be a lot better: only the arranging and wrapping of the flowers on Valentines day because the cutting of plastics and the making of ribbons should be done a week before it.

thanks to Vickie, Joe, Faith, Annie, Jad, Globel, Eloi, Jessie and above all to God.
wonderful AdDLAW family.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

let it spark

fire starts from a spark
even from an unexpected glance
i thought a smile or wink comes next
but it was a sweet bowed and turning head

when spaces between characters paint your face
a waste, a taste, a pace, a cycle i guess
who do i wrong for liking you?
but who do i please also for saving my love for you?

love is patient
like Adam falling into a deep sleep
God knew the need, He revealed it to the first man
A help-meet from a rib was named woman

to call it a bone of my bone, a flesh of my flesh
taken out of a man, that is oneness in difference
man is the head but the comparable mate is the crown
looking into the sequence of creation

wisdom from above
mutuality is a factor in the formula of love
thoughts of the heart
let the woman speak the first "too"

love endures
for Rachel, fourteen years seemed to be just days to Jacob
but did you notice?
Israel was laid in Machpelah where Leah was

let it spark
be broke next to that
the Father will not hate you
and grace will keep you from the wrong "i do"

hold on Dux dear
in the waves of life and love
Jesus is the board to ride
remember:spark dies in water

Sunday, February 6, 2011

In the cave

pirti kagahod nga tagipusu-on
nabungol nagid ko sa imo
sobra ka pa sa lamok sa talinga

mata nga hindi kapahimuyong sa ginabasa
sagad ka libot pangita simu itsura
matuod kay mi litrato man sa memorya

hindi paulihi ihambal sa iban
sa taga tini-un waay kaw gapanapak
waay man pako pero kadasig lupad palagyo

namati sa kwentong bayan
maayo ka pirmi sa ila panlantaw
daw naintu-an man ko kun kis-a

malaw-ay lang gid pinsarun
bisan paghigalaay waay paabuton
ti mo, mu na gid na guro

dumdumun ko gid pirmi amay kag iloy ko
kag ang kamaayuhan sa Ginoo
ina! waay rason hindi magtutum tu-on

bwas mabal-an talang gid na
sakto tanan nga gakalatabo
way kaugma-ong gugma, hala itago sa kweba

paningkamutan indi magmala-in ang pamatyag
akun lang gid twerka ang halog guro
kaluy-an tani, hindi nako maluyag sa imo

uliton ang mga pag-ampo
bal-an ko hindi paniki ang gapamati
ang nag-ubra sa langit, makasaligan