Even it was not yet the right love, it was beautiful
The clouds were right under my feet
No candy is sweeter than mutual affection and commitment
I always knew that there is no such as a perfect relationship
But I've seen several lovely ones
Those were couples who see themselves holding hands till death do them part
The strong foundation of their vows is God
Only Him is able to knot life strings
Only Him could add threads to keep it strong over the years
To whomever it is shared
As long as it is mutual and God is the center thereof
Love will consistently be a beautiful thing
I'll never give up to keep praying
Till you pursue me my Prince Blessing
While waiting, I'll continuing growing to be Proverbs 31
I dream to write a song as beautiful as that of Yeng's "Ikaw". I know in my heart that it will come :-) Kailangan ko rin siguro ng engagement ring para mailabas ko ng lubos :-)
let me add a note on what I learned when i joined the outreach of my CC Davao family last Thursday.
Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Yup, i encountered the verse again. The added realization from the sharing was, ONLY GOD CAN CREATE a pure heart in us. We have to ask it from Him because on our own we would always fall short of His glory. God is holy and He can make us the same.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Someone told me to write down on a sheet of paper all that i want to tell God concerning an overwhelming issue in my heart which i wish to settle with Him. Afterwards, I should burn the paper to keep the matter private between me and the Lord. I did not do it nyahahaha simply because it was tiring to do so. If i have something to deal with God then i will talk to Him which is "easier" considering that i am into long discussions with Him. I wonder how many sheets of paper i will consume if i will pour out my heart in writing.
I did not see the necessity thereof anymore because it is no longer rated as "consuming". Instead of holding a pen, I prayed and had a good convo (one-way) with our loving Father in heaven. I did not hear Him answering some of my queries but I am confident that He noted them all. It warms my heart knowing the our great God is in the business of listening to the groans of His children.
Psalm 34:15
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry.
If only talking to others is as easy as conversing with God then life could have been better. It is who God is that makes speaking to Him calm, beautiful, open and a blessing. Christ must always increase in us so that we will reflect His person and the people around us would be delighted to talk to us and our speech become encouragements to them. No, we are not God's substitutes but He can use us to extend comfort to those who mourn or any manner at a loss.
To have someone to talk to is a timeless gift from above. I remember my lolo and lola and I believe that the secret to their strong relationship was the number of hours they spent talking to each other. They just never run out of things to talk about :-) They died at 93 and 88 on the same year, 2009. I believe lola had less reason to continue living when she lost lolo early that year. How dragging it'd been to her to finish a day without lolo around to talk to.
As most of my friends are also busy with their own lives, it is hard to find a constant talk buddy, i am glad that access to God is unlimited :-)
Below are Hermie (green) and Wormie (brown) talking to God as to their desire to be different or to be anything but an ordinary caterpillar. Hermie inquired from God why his looks was nothing striking or special like that of the snail that has a built-in-house on its back or the ladybug that has attractive spots. God told Hermie that He was not finish with him yet. God asked Hermie in return, "who made the snail? who made the ladybug?". Hermie answered, "those SPECIAL creatures were made by You, God". God replied, "who made you Hermie?". "You", Hermie answered :-)

pic taken from www.toledoblade.com
I have a collection of Hermie and friends' movies by Max Lucado. The stories are best in teaching kids good values and awareness of God. That's the trailer but it has the link to the full movie.
HERE IS THE SONG I AM PRACTICING TO PLAY AND SING :-) introduced by Virma to me last Thursday. Simple lang ang chords :-)
I did not see the necessity thereof anymore because it is no longer rated as "consuming". Instead of holding a pen, I prayed and had a good convo (one-way) with our loving Father in heaven. I did not hear Him answering some of my queries but I am confident that He noted them all. It warms my heart knowing the our great God is in the business of listening to the groans of His children.
Psalm 34:15
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry.
If only talking to others is as easy as conversing with God then life could have been better. It is who God is that makes speaking to Him calm, beautiful, open and a blessing. Christ must always increase in us so that we will reflect His person and the people around us would be delighted to talk to us and our speech become encouragements to them. No, we are not God's substitutes but He can use us to extend comfort to those who mourn or any manner at a loss.
To have someone to talk to is a timeless gift from above. I remember my lolo and lola and I believe that the secret to their strong relationship was the number of hours they spent talking to each other. They just never run out of things to talk about :-) They died at 93 and 88 on the same year, 2009. I believe lola had less reason to continue living when she lost lolo early that year. How dragging it'd been to her to finish a day without lolo around to talk to.
As most of my friends are also busy with their own lives, it is hard to find a constant talk buddy, i am glad that access to God is unlimited :-)
Below are Hermie (green) and Wormie (brown) talking to God as to their desire to be different or to be anything but an ordinary caterpillar. Hermie inquired from God why his looks was nothing striking or special like that of the snail that has a built-in-house on its back or the ladybug that has attractive spots. God told Hermie that He was not finish with him yet. God asked Hermie in return, "who made the snail? who made the ladybug?". Hermie answered, "those SPECIAL creatures were made by You, God". God replied, "who made you Hermie?". "You", Hermie answered :-)

pic taken from www.toledoblade.com
I have a collection of Hermie and friends' movies by Max Lucado. The stories are best in teaching kids good values and awareness of God. That's the trailer but it has the link to the full movie.
HERE IS THE SONG I AM PRACTICING TO PLAY AND SING :-) introduced by Virma to me last Thursday. Simple lang ang chords :-)
Friday, November 28, 2014
Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.

with luli

with my tatay Mark :-)
Good afternoon, my name is Pastor Mark of Calvary Chapel of Iloilo.
I can't help but to split my message in two parts...one of it is to share to you the goodness of God in this couple since I was an eye witness of God's plan in them as we are witnesses of it today.
The second is to share God's word to them to prepare them ahead for this new life that they are going to face.
To start with...
I met Neil when I was growing in my faith with the Lord in our church there in Iloilo City. We have similar likes and passion for the Lord and His ministry. Music to be specific and evangelism.
I called him my 'bro', he called me either 'kuya' or 'bro'. Until God called me more closer in the ministry to be a pastor ...and I still call him the same but now he is addressing me his pastor. The truth is I do look up to this man because of his love for Jesus. A "just" man.
Looking back to his life when he was in college...his priority would be the Lord, ministry, family, and school. Knowing that he has all the potentials that every girl would find in a man, he was so disciplined to stick with his priority.
After graduation, as the Lord was blessing his life, we would talk about other things but he would still hold on to his former priority except the school would be work now but preparing himself also for the new priority to line up, stressing that at the age of 30 he would settle down.
We all know time goes fast, so everytime we would see each other our conversation would be much more about certain potentials that he met along the way and I would advice him always that 'she' has to be someone who loves the Lord more than you and loves to serve the Lord and in the end we would pray asking for God's intervention that only His will will be done.
Last year, when we met again, he brought up the name Faith to me...This is where Faith entered in to my story...I never met Faith, just right now...but her very name itself reminds us of how we should live our life...and what Neil wants..."the just 'Neil' would live by faith.
As a friend and his pastor, I advised him to know more about Faith...Her relationship with God and her involvement in the ministry. Neil from time to time would give me feedbacks about Faith and she seemed to be the right one for him.
The only thing is if Faith would notice it ...that we are noticing her as more prayers were offered to God as Neil requested. And to make the long story short...
Until one day...this one day is a very long day because we are still on that day now..the story of God's plan is starting to be revealed before our eyes.
This would also be my first message for both of them.
So sad when I tried to look for a clean joke about marriage to open up for my introduction about this subject, I was surprised that most of the humors were about divorce or marrying a wrong person...one of the jokes is 'the number one cause of divorce is marriage.'
So sad that the first conversation about marriage in the Bible, in the New Testament, when Jesus was asked, is about divorce too.
...Matthew 19:3-9 (NKJV)
The Pharisees also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?" [4] And He answered and said to them, "Have you not read that He who madethem at the beginning 'made them male and female,' [5] and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? [6] So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate." [7] They said to Him, "Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?" [8] He said to them, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. [9] And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery."
Jesus did not answer the conversation about divorce but rather about marriage, and divorce showed only the real condition of our heart in reality.
So going back at the beginning as our Lord pointed to us, we can learn certain things there that would strengthen our marriage. The story would be easy for us because we are all familiar with the story.
Jesus pointed out...have you not read? The importance of knowing the Bible...this would give us the guide of knowing the truth about our life and everything about life.
Life is like sailing in the Sea of Galilee. In Jesus time, He would command His disciples to cross over the other side. The disciples did not have a hard time obeying the Lord since the weather is fine and the sea is calm but suddenly in the middle of the sea a storm would come and will challenge their faith. We need to have an anchor to help us stay in the course. The word of God is a light unto our feet and a lamp unto our path.
...That God made them male and female...Number 2 to remember...It is God who made us...Our lives belong to Him. This would be a great reminder for us to treat our partners with respect because he or she is not your possession. He/ she belongs to the Lord. Treat them well if you want God to be happy with you.
The third is the joining together...'Therefore what God had joined together'...you know how difficult it is for two sinners to come together...we are all selfish...we don't take to love because we tend to give as true love is...we love to take...which means I love you because I'm using you or getting something from you. True love is patient, it is kind, does not think of evil...
Only God can make us one...from out of the one becomes two, so only God can make the two become one. How do we do it ...by putting God in the center of our life first then we know He will be the center of our marriage. A triangle illustration...
Now if you would still insist...it's because of the hardness of your heart...and Jesus again pointed out that in the beginning it was not so...we sometimes insist our own way so things crumble up.
To go back and learn in the beginning...when God created us and everything He saw that it was good...but when He looked at man, He said 'it is not good for man to be alone'...this was showing to us that even though we are blessed already, God wanted to bless us more!
And marriage is one of the greatest blessings that God gave to us if we follow God's way. The intimacy a couple can share, the commitment they can hold to help each other conquer the trials of life, and the blessings of reproducing this love through our children until more generations to come.
Then God instituted the marriage ceremony. The only good start for us is when we start with God. It is hard to end up things right when you don't start things right.
Marriage should only be instituted by God...
We all know that this was God's perfect choice and with perfect people and with a perfect match made from heaven. But it does not necessarily mean that it will end up in a perfect marriage.
So what did we learn from Adam and Eve's marriage.
Lesson1:don't have any confidence in your flesh learn to trust God's word...they started to lose confidence in the word of God and the result is the fall.
Lesson2: learn to admit mistakes right away...
They almost blamed each other and even blamed God for their partners but when they quieted themselves and allowed God to speak and accepted their consequences and stayed together, they lived up to 930 years together.
There were ups and downs in their life...but I know that Adam and Eve lived together that long because they continued to walk with God...every good tree bears good fruit.
one proof..Seth was born from them...Seth was a generation who turned people to seek after God. Where do you think did Seth get that godly heart?
There were no church there, no pastor, or believers to influence him...it was only his parents to show that.
Staying faithfully together for 930 years is possible with Adam and Eve because they stayed together with God...in this generation staying faithfuly together for 930 days (2.5years) is becoming impossible...for both of you Neil and Faith staying faithfully together for 930 months(77years) our whole lifetime is achievable if you stay in God.
Neil and Faith, maybe because you are so preoccupied with the celebration today that you might forget my message... But there is one thing I want you both to remember...your name... Neil...it was your prayer that started all of this...kneel before God always. Faith, you know it already...you believed that Neil would be God's perfect choice for you..keep your faith in God only!
May the Lord keep you both, and bless you, and shine on you, and be gracious to you and give you peace.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Catching up with Darlene Sala: What Proverbs Has to Say about Wives
Darlene Sala
Series: Encouraging Words
It’s amazing how much the book of Proverbs has to say about wives. Of course when you think about who wrote the book, this really should be no surprise, for its author, King Solomon, had 700. Yes, 700 wives! In his book he shares what he learned from his experience.
Solomon wrote, “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord” (18:22). He pointed out that “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord” (19:14). He writes of rejoicing in the “wife of your youth” (5:18), expressing the pleasure of a good marriage even after youth is gone.
Solomon also must have known what it was like to have a nagging wife for he wrote that “a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping” (19:13). “Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife” (21:9). Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife” (21:19). “A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day” (27:15).
One more theme in the book of Proverbs is the wayward or immoral wife. He speaks of her seductive words (2:16) and her smooth tongue (6:24), and he warns of sleeping with another man’s wife (6:29). He says “A disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones” (12:4).
Then he closes his book of wisdom with that famous description of the ideal wife in Proverbs 31. If you haven’t read it recently, you must do it. He begins by saying, “A wife of noble character who can find?” Then one of the richest men in the world goes on to say, “She is worth far more than rubies” (31:10). What follows is a pattern for all of us who are wives.
Take it from Solomon, a man of experience. “A wife of noble character is her husband's crown” (12:4).
Nov. 21, 2014, H.S. 5 minute-commentary
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4
There's a practice which has become relatively common. A waitress brings you your food and says, "Enjoy!" It isn't that I don't appreciate that gracious word of cheer, but there's something about saying "enjoy" that always bothers me. It may be because enjoy is a transitive verb which requires an object. I nod and say, "Thank you!" when I really feel like saying, "Enjoy what? The meal? The company of friends? Enjoy the beautiful day which God has given to us? Or just enjoy being alive?"
Enjoy! That word relates to another word, one which is also misunderstood--the word, "rejoice!" Some words are part of a language which few understand, and such is the word, "rejoice!" Both of these words, enjoy and rejoice, have "joy" at their root meaning. Are you beginning to see why we use words which few understand? Some words are coined for use in heaven and though they are used on earth, we can't fully understand their meaning until we get there. Such is the word joy.
A man plodding through life can "enjoy" a meal, or the weather, or the company of friends, but only those with a heaven connection can begin to fathom what it really means to "rejoice!" It is no wonder that G. K. Chesterton said that "joy...is the gigantic secret of the Christian," probably the best-kept secret of the church.
In his poignant book, Jesus Man of Joy, Wirt made the point that in the life of a believer, joy is the result of a God-connection. He wrote, "...it comes with our Lord's prepaid package of salvation, direct from heaven, and furnishes its own proof of authenticity." Dr. Wirt's book is powerful medicine for those who think that being a Christian equates to wearing black, having a long face, and drinking vinegar. He charges that the church has been blanketed with "religious smog" and that with our attempt to recognize the holiness of God, we have pushed Him away and draped Him in black.
"Jesus," wrote Wirt, "was a man of such joy, such merriment, such gladness of spirit, such freedom and openness, that He was irresistible." Wirt, who held a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh, believed that the image of a Jesus popularized by the impression of the shroud of Turin frightens people. He was convinced that the real Jesus was a man of joy, one to whom people were drawn, a man of warmth and affirmation. And he contended that this same joy should be our birthright as God's children. He was convinced that "instead of subduing our joy and leaving it outside in the church parking lot, we should be expressing it and making it the accompaniment of everything we do, both in and out church...."
I'll tell you one thing for sure. Wirt’s life as well as his book convinced me that we've missed something powerful, something meaningful, and something which can and should be an integral part of our lives. Joy is powerful medicine for the healing of our lives, generated by the indwelling presence of God's Holy Spirit. Remember, as Paul told us, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy..." and so forth (Galatians 5:22). Unlike happiness, which is dependent on your circumstances--your health, your environment, your immediate world--joy can flood your heart no matter where you are or how you feel. I'm wondering how people would respond if a waitress served a meal and said, "Rejoice!" What kind of puzzled expressions might she get? Yet for the child of God, that admonition or expression, "Rejoice!" is right on target. Yes, rejoice!
(See Sherwood Wirt's Jesus Man of Joy printed by Thomas Nelson Publishers).
Resource reading: Philippians 4:1-13.
Darlene Sala
Series: Encouraging Words
It’s amazing how much the book of Proverbs has to say about wives. Of course when you think about who wrote the book, this really should be no surprise, for its author, King Solomon, had 700. Yes, 700 wives! In his book he shares what he learned from his experience.
Solomon wrote, “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord” (18:22). He pointed out that “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord” (19:14). He writes of rejoicing in the “wife of your youth” (5:18), expressing the pleasure of a good marriage even after youth is gone.
Solomon also must have known what it was like to have a nagging wife for he wrote that “a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping” (19:13). “Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife” (21:9). Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife” (21:19). “A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day” (27:15).
One more theme in the book of Proverbs is the wayward or immoral wife. He speaks of her seductive words (2:16) and her smooth tongue (6:24), and he warns of sleeping with another man’s wife (6:29). He says “A disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones” (12:4).
Then he closes his book of wisdom with that famous description of the ideal wife in Proverbs 31. If you haven’t read it recently, you must do it. He begins by saying, “A wife of noble character who can find?” Then one of the richest men in the world goes on to say, “She is worth far more than rubies” (31:10). What follows is a pattern for all of us who are wives.
Take it from Solomon, a man of experience. “A wife of noble character is her husband's crown” (12:4).
Nov. 21, 2014, H.S. 5 minute-commentary
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4
There's a practice which has become relatively common. A waitress brings you your food and says, "Enjoy!" It isn't that I don't appreciate that gracious word of cheer, but there's something about saying "enjoy" that always bothers me. It may be because enjoy is a transitive verb which requires an object. I nod and say, "Thank you!" when I really feel like saying, "Enjoy what? The meal? The company of friends? Enjoy the beautiful day which God has given to us? Or just enjoy being alive?"
Enjoy! That word relates to another word, one which is also misunderstood--the word, "rejoice!" Some words are part of a language which few understand, and such is the word, "rejoice!" Both of these words, enjoy and rejoice, have "joy" at their root meaning. Are you beginning to see why we use words which few understand? Some words are coined for use in heaven and though they are used on earth, we can't fully understand their meaning until we get there. Such is the word joy.
A man plodding through life can "enjoy" a meal, or the weather, or the company of friends, but only those with a heaven connection can begin to fathom what it really means to "rejoice!" It is no wonder that G. K. Chesterton said that "joy...is the gigantic secret of the Christian," probably the best-kept secret of the church.
In his poignant book, Jesus Man of Joy, Wirt made the point that in the life of a believer, joy is the result of a God-connection. He wrote, "...it comes with our Lord's prepaid package of salvation, direct from heaven, and furnishes its own proof of authenticity." Dr. Wirt's book is powerful medicine for those who think that being a Christian equates to wearing black, having a long face, and drinking vinegar. He charges that the church has been blanketed with "religious smog" and that with our attempt to recognize the holiness of God, we have pushed Him away and draped Him in black.
"Jesus," wrote Wirt, "was a man of such joy, such merriment, such gladness of spirit, such freedom and openness, that He was irresistible." Wirt, who held a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh, believed that the image of a Jesus popularized by the impression of the shroud of Turin frightens people. He was convinced that the real Jesus was a man of joy, one to whom people were drawn, a man of warmth and affirmation. And he contended that this same joy should be our birthright as God's children. He was convinced that "instead of subduing our joy and leaving it outside in the church parking lot, we should be expressing it and making it the accompaniment of everything we do, both in and out church...."
I'll tell you one thing for sure. Wirt’s life as well as his book convinced me that we've missed something powerful, something meaningful, and something which can and should be an integral part of our lives. Joy is powerful medicine for the healing of our lives, generated by the indwelling presence of God's Holy Spirit. Remember, as Paul told us, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy..." and so forth (Galatians 5:22). Unlike happiness, which is dependent on your circumstances--your health, your environment, your immediate world--joy can flood your heart no matter where you are or how you feel. I'm wondering how people would respond if a waitress served a meal and said, "Rejoice!" What kind of puzzled expressions might she get? Yet for the child of God, that admonition or expression, "Rejoice!" is right on target. Yes, rejoice!
(See Sherwood Wirt's Jesus Man of Joy printed by Thomas Nelson Publishers).
Resource reading: Philippians 4:1-13.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
keep the door open
i cannot wipe my smile off my face :-) since i started singing this morning,
"i have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back".
a flush of joy indeed when we think of our first love (Jesus) and our lifetime commitment to follow Him :-)
10 years and counting.

as per advise of Ptr. Jun,
go onward but keep the door open :-)
"i have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back".
a flush of joy indeed when we think of our first love (Jesus) and our lifetime commitment to follow Him :-)
10 years and counting.

as per advise of Ptr. Jun,
go onward but keep the door open :-)
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
November 19, 2014
I have two friends whom i'll treasure for a lifetime.
I did not understand God's timeline as to their love story. Everything happened in an instant. I respected their decision and just lifted to God their union. Now, they are enjoying each other's company and are expecting a new member in the family after 9 months :-) That's right, I'm gonna be ninang. They met some challenges but by God's grace they overcame the same.
I made a video about their love story and our friendship when they told me about their marriage.
Here it is:
We were together last Sunday as usual, we started and closed our fellowship in prayer.

Yesterday was their last day here in Gensan. I cried because i will surely miss them both and Iloilo is not that near to pay a visit. Pero pag mi camera, ngiti parin kahit puputok ang puso sa "till we see each other" moment.
Friends are great treasures from God
They support our endeavors how meager they may be
They correct us even it will hurt us
The pain from a friend is way better than the kiss from an enemy

cheers to lasting friendships!
God is good.
No to giving up
Keep the good fight
Stay on your knees and lift up your eyes
Our faithful God hears our hearts
Monday, November 17, 2014
All these years, I've waited for something beautiful called love of a lifetime
Indeed it came forth without warning, I was caught off guard then
Hearing you say, "i miss you and i love you" gave me joy like no other
I prayed hard that it would be stronger and to last forever
I never held back what was due to our companionship
You should have understood that i was just buying time to stabilize everything
My foolish thoughts, I can afford to talk to you all day long
I even imagined that someday, each waking moment, i'll find you right in front of my eyes
We were supposed to sing endless songs
To give support and comfort to one another until a struggle gets better
I thought we had the perfect partnership
In serving others and in worshiping the Lord
I fell in love for who you are
I've seen your weaknesses and strengths
Dear, I love you enough not to let you continue on what is displeasing to our Father
I was patient to behold your daily transformation, entrusting everything to Him
I accepted you as you with all your baggage
With high hopes that in time you'll be free from the load slowing you down
My love was not perfect but it was genuine
My hurts come from why it had to end when there was a time i received God's confirmation
My love has no leg to stand on
It was cut off by reasons beyond my control
Someday we'll know why this happened to us
It is in accordance to His grandiose plan
I'll continue praying
I'll continue loving
I'll continue moving on
Until it hurts no more

pic taken from natalycindyfan.deviantart.com
di naman ako nagpapakatanga at umaasa sa wala
hayaan nyo munang namnamin ko ito hanggang maabot ko ang quota
pag-naubos na ang kaya kong ibigay ay magpapatuloy ng lubos ang buhay
hiling ko lang na sanay di naman ganoon itong magtatagal
kung iba ang nararapat sa akin
kawawa nanaman sya dahil naipamigay ko ang buong laan sana sa kanya
di bale, kapupulutan naman ng magagandang aral ang mga nangyari
importante patuloy sa aking buhay si Cristo ang maghari
kung sa huli ay tayo nga
itatawa nalang natin ang lahat ng ito
kung sa huli ay hindi nga tayo
mi magandang rason nakalakip aking nasisiguro
salamat sa Dios at wala akong galit sa puso
panghihinayang lang talaga ang nangingibabaw
pagmamahal na sadyang malalim at pinagsusumikapang patulugin
anupaman, ang konklusyon, manyari ang Kanyang kalooban
Songs of Solomon 2:7
I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
By the gazelles or by the does of the field,
Do not stir up nor awaken love
Until it pleases.
Indeed it came forth without warning, I was caught off guard then
Hearing you say, "i miss you and i love you" gave me joy like no other
I prayed hard that it would be stronger and to last forever
I never held back what was due to our companionship
You should have understood that i was just buying time to stabilize everything
My foolish thoughts, I can afford to talk to you all day long
I even imagined that someday, each waking moment, i'll find you right in front of my eyes
We were supposed to sing endless songs
To give support and comfort to one another until a struggle gets better
I thought we had the perfect partnership
In serving others and in worshiping the Lord
I fell in love for who you are
I've seen your weaknesses and strengths
Dear, I love you enough not to let you continue on what is displeasing to our Father
I was patient to behold your daily transformation, entrusting everything to Him
I accepted you as you with all your baggage
With high hopes that in time you'll be free from the load slowing you down
My love was not perfect but it was genuine
My hurts come from why it had to end when there was a time i received God's confirmation
My love has no leg to stand on
It was cut off by reasons beyond my control
Someday we'll know why this happened to us
It is in accordance to His grandiose plan
I'll continue praying
I'll continue loving
I'll continue moving on
Until it hurts no more

pic taken from natalycindyfan.deviantart.com
di naman ako nagpapakatanga at umaasa sa wala
hayaan nyo munang namnamin ko ito hanggang maabot ko ang quota
pag-naubos na ang kaya kong ibigay ay magpapatuloy ng lubos ang buhay
hiling ko lang na sanay di naman ganoon itong magtatagal
kung iba ang nararapat sa akin
kawawa nanaman sya dahil naipamigay ko ang buong laan sana sa kanya
di bale, kapupulutan naman ng magagandang aral ang mga nangyari
importante patuloy sa aking buhay si Cristo ang maghari
kung sa huli ay tayo nga
itatawa nalang natin ang lahat ng ito
kung sa huli ay hindi nga tayo
mi magandang rason nakalakip aking nasisiguro
salamat sa Dios at wala akong galit sa puso
panghihinayang lang talaga ang nangingibabaw
pagmamahal na sadyang malalim at pinagsusumikapang patulugin
anupaman, ang konklusyon, manyari ang Kanyang kalooban
Songs of Solomon 2:7
I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
By the gazelles or by the does of the field,
Do not stir up nor awaken love
Until it pleases.
Saturday, November 15, 2014

pic taken from printerest.com
after SCAN:
1. Pulse rate is unstable
2. Patient is hurting
3. Patient needs healing
4. Medication: Baymax' warm hug
Until today, i have NOT cried out (TO THE FULLEST) what i am feeling inside. I always try to hold my tears.
LORD, be my BAYMAX because no one else could comfort me but you.
Tomorrow is Monday, workday starts, please help me get through the week efficiently. I don't know how long this healing process will last. Maybe it will take some time because my busyness in work does not help. What an emotional torture i am into :'( ahuhuhu yayay talaga puso ko
Friday, November 14, 2014
Pastor Rick Warren | How God Can Bless A Broken Heart
My notes from the sharing:
1. The more you love, the more you grieve as when Jesus wept when Lazarus died because He loved him so much. John 11:33-36
2. It is normal to feel pain because we are humans and we were created according to His image. God grieves specially over our sins. Jesus is the strongest man in the world but He never kept/suppressed His emotions.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
let the love fade away
to be mad at someone is not my cup of tea
to hope for their best is me
my prayer, for them to experience God's lovingkindness always
diverting my attention to various things does not help
healing through the passage of time is a standard
the ideal, to fill my heart with God
My thoughts on my MOVING ON agenda, DIVERSION will not help and if it would, it will be temporary. If my efforts to divert my attention will cease then the struggle will come in again. It is also tiring to do things which are not part of my routine because I am trying to become someone else and not myself anymore. I am thinking that the ONLY WAY to cross over my situation is for God to TAKE AWAY or to STOP my love for him. I will only keep that brotherly love in God. I must stop loving him and only God can help me do that.
My prayer is for God, without delay, let my love for him lose its flavor. Sana nga NOW na kasi it is considered sin to continue (covetousness) :-) sorry, be patient parin pala :-)

pic taken from oneirohtane.pblogs.gr
Songs of Solomon 2:7
I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
By the gazelles or by the does of the field,
Do not stir up nor awaken love
Until it pleases.
If I were to fight for it
The week is almost over since the saddening news changed everything now.
If I recall it right, I was disturbed when you approached me beyond our professional relationship, I was afraid to fall knowing the contrasting views we have. We first argued about "doing a little evil for the greater good". You continued communicating to me by justifying it with, "in every goodbye there is another hello". With that, I prayed hard as to what the Lord wants me to do with you, God said, "minister to him, lead him to Me" and fear not how your heart will go with it. God's peace came upon me and so I decided to accommodate you.
Our different opinions on many things kept flooding but we always end up agreeing because we find settlement over the issues by referring to the Bible. It was amazing how we manage to listen to each other's views. In fact, you're the better listener. Though how many times we were confronted with conflicts, we were able to overcome them simply because we talked. As to the final decision of our situation, we never talked, you just kept your silence and i begged you to break it and there's the GOODBYE.
Despite all that differences, we were happy. You kept telling me that if we are together you are happy and you have peace. For all the happy memories that I am now struggling forgetting--I regret having them with you instead of my one true love. The sad thing is I do not know what was true in all that has been said and done. The irony, what started as a lie continued to be such and concluded with the truth----- the truth that i fell for a lie.
After deep thinking, I went back to the very reason why I allowed you to be a part of my life, it was to help you grow in your relationship with God. I am grateful to God that i saw it "started". You learned how to pray, read the Bible and seek God first in everything. You were just trapped with another stumbling stone in your life which I prayed that you will be freed therefrom and not fall on it ever again otherwise there would be another person who would be hurt like I've been.
Relationship is not about only how much we love each other but on how could that relationship will be used by God for His greater glory. I thought ours was on that track considering that we were talking about how we could lead others in our field to be conscious about God. It was not revolving about us but us and God's work with us for others and for His glory. This is the very reason that I did not easily gave up. I had a vision as to how we will serve the Lord together.
On top of that, a decision has already been made. One that i have to respect and to surrender to God. God allowed such encounter that you could go back to Him and grow in your faith and relationship with Him and for me to know better of my vulnerabilities. I am happy to be used by God for your soul's sake. :-)
1 Peter 2:20
20 For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God.
Though I felt pain, it was nothing knowing that God is pleased. It was good that He used me to lead you to deepen your faith in Him.
I am excited as to what lies ahead knowing that God is perfect and kind. All will be beautiful in His time :-)

pic taken from actscommunitychurches.com
surrender to God but do not give up the fight
i'll repeat
in every battle
i'll fight hard down on my knees
According to a friend, "It is all now part of the past and I am glad that you are not bitter."
If I recall it right, I was disturbed when you approached me beyond our professional relationship, I was afraid to fall knowing the contrasting views we have. We first argued about "doing a little evil for the greater good". You continued communicating to me by justifying it with, "in every goodbye there is another hello". With that, I prayed hard as to what the Lord wants me to do with you, God said, "minister to him, lead him to Me" and fear not how your heart will go with it. God's peace came upon me and so I decided to accommodate you.
Our different opinions on many things kept flooding but we always end up agreeing because we find settlement over the issues by referring to the Bible. It was amazing how we manage to listen to each other's views. In fact, you're the better listener. Though how many times we were confronted with conflicts, we were able to overcome them simply because we talked. As to the final decision of our situation, we never talked, you just kept your silence and i begged you to break it and there's the GOODBYE.
Despite all that differences, we were happy. You kept telling me that if we are together you are happy and you have peace. For all the happy memories that I am now struggling forgetting--I regret having them with you instead of my one true love. The sad thing is I do not know what was true in all that has been said and done. The irony, what started as a lie continued to be such and concluded with the truth----- the truth that i fell for a lie.
After deep thinking, I went back to the very reason why I allowed you to be a part of my life, it was to help you grow in your relationship with God. I am grateful to God that i saw it "started". You learned how to pray, read the Bible and seek God first in everything. You were just trapped with another stumbling stone in your life which I prayed that you will be freed therefrom and not fall on it ever again otherwise there would be another person who would be hurt like I've been.
Relationship is not about only how much we love each other but on how could that relationship will be used by God for His greater glory. I thought ours was on that track considering that we were talking about how we could lead others in our field to be conscious about God. It was not revolving about us but us and God's work with us for others and for His glory. This is the very reason that I did not easily gave up. I had a vision as to how we will serve the Lord together.
On top of that, a decision has already been made. One that i have to respect and to surrender to God. God allowed such encounter that you could go back to Him and grow in your faith and relationship with Him and for me to know better of my vulnerabilities. I am happy to be used by God for your soul's sake. :-)
1 Peter 2:20
20 For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God.
Though I felt pain, it was nothing knowing that God is pleased. It was good that He used me to lead you to deepen your faith in Him.
I am excited as to what lies ahead knowing that God is perfect and kind. All will be beautiful in His time :-)

pic taken from actscommunitychurches.com
surrender to God but do not give up the fight
i'll repeat
in every battle
i'll fight hard down on my knees
According to a friend, "It is all now part of the past and I am glad that you are not bitter."
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
A pure heart
Psalm 51:10-12
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
My notes from tonight's midweek service
It is not about our sincerity but the Lord's finished work.
Jesus is certainty and He is God's love letter to us.
What we believe would dictate how we behave.
If we hold His words dear in our hearts then we are walking in the safe path. Not a path that is storm-free but storm-proof.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
My notes from tonight's midweek service
It is not about our sincerity but the Lord's finished work.
Jesus is certainty and He is God's love letter to us.
What we believe would dictate how we behave.
If we hold His words dear in our hearts then we are walking in the safe path. Not a path that is storm-free but storm-proof.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Love of my life
I'll only live this life once
My mission is to further His love
Joy and peace shall be my countenance
I have no room for regrets and bitterness
I will not reap them because i never sown them
I only love, it is no crime
Love is not confined in time or in a person
It is of God, it is boundless
And it never fails
Love gives courage and hope
Fear and doubt are not its friends
Love covers a multitude of sins
When love is from above
It is pure
It will always find its way home
Letting God work through my circumstance
Thanksgiving comes instantly
Forgiveness is simple and easy
In every battle
I'll fight hard down on my knees
Not forgetting the blue sky, flowers and bees
I'll keep in me, love overcomes
Love conquers
Above all, love honors the Lord
I declare God's goodness and blessings be upon us all
Wisdom to strengthen our hearts and bones
And the willpower to obey His call
Salamat sa lahat ng nagmamahal sakin
Wag kayong magsasawa sa aking bungisngis
Araw-araw share natin ang happiness yahoo!
Love ni Lord sa loob ang tanging meron ako
Wag kayong magtataka kung ito din ang maipapamahagi
At wag mag-alala dahil kailanman hindi ito nakakasira
Pag pusoy dalisay
Nakakasulat ako ng tula kahit di makata
Hindi napapagod gumawa ng tama
I could keep going on this love poem of mine
But self-control will lose its place
A virtue that only true love could sustain
Have a blessed Wednesday my dear ones :-)
Isigaw natin! Thy will be done wee!

pic taken fro printerest.com
My mission is to further His love
Joy and peace shall be my countenance
I have no room for regrets and bitterness
I will not reap them because i never sown them
I only love, it is no crime
Love is not confined in time or in a person
It is of God, it is boundless
And it never fails
Love gives courage and hope
Fear and doubt are not its friends
Love covers a multitude of sins
When love is from above
It is pure
It will always find its way home
Letting God work through my circumstance
Thanksgiving comes instantly
Forgiveness is simple and easy
In every battle
I'll fight hard down on my knees
Not forgetting the blue sky, flowers and bees
I'll keep in me, love overcomes
Love conquers
Above all, love honors the Lord
I declare God's goodness and blessings be upon us all
Wisdom to strengthen our hearts and bones
And the willpower to obey His call
Salamat sa lahat ng nagmamahal sakin
Wag kayong magsasawa sa aking bungisngis
Araw-araw share natin ang happiness yahoo!
Love ni Lord sa loob ang tanging meron ako
Wag kayong magtataka kung ito din ang maipapamahagi
At wag mag-alala dahil kailanman hindi ito nakakasira
Pag pusoy dalisay
Nakakasulat ako ng tula kahit di makata
Hindi napapagod gumawa ng tama
I could keep going on this love poem of mine
But self-control will lose its place
A virtue that only true love could sustain
Have a blessed Wednesday my dear ones :-)
Isigaw natin! Thy will be done wee!

pic taken fro printerest.com
Monday, November 10, 2014
Let love take its course
from the title of my blog, love never fails
i'm keeping what is right before God's eyes
i simply hang in His promises
i will stand still and let Him restore me
not forgetting the other in prayer
all i received from God was unconditional love
what i have is what i could share
as long as my relationship with Him is strong
my love for others would be irresistible :-)
as for my lifetime partner
i'll keep waiting until you finally rest by my side
together we will conquer life
together we will let God guide our charts
He gave us the map to reach a destination
it is our choice how fast or slow our driving shall be
it is for us to decide to follow or not
be strong my love, God is always the right way
i'm keeping what is right before God's eyes
i simply hang in His promises
i will stand still and let Him restore me
not forgetting the other in prayer
all i received from God was unconditional love
what i have is what i could share
as long as my relationship with Him is strong
my love for others would be irresistible :-)
as for my lifetime partner
i'll keep waiting until you finally rest by my side
together we will conquer life
together we will let God guide our charts
He gave us the map to reach a destination
it is our choice how fast or slow our driving shall be
it is for us to decide to follow or not
be strong my love, God is always the right way
Maasim to Kiamba
this shall be my diary for now because i have no one to share my thoughts and feelings.
Last night, after writing a Comment on a Motion due today, I slept. I have a hearing today that is why i needed ample rest and so at around 11:15pm I already retired to bed. It was hard for me to sleep right away. After 3 hours, i woke up flooded with questions in my head. This time, it was more difficult to sleep again. Like I always do, I prayed to God to ease the pain I am feeling and to let me rest knowing that He will take charge of everything.
I am on a battle.
MAIBA TAYO NG TOPIC.. It was a joke that we waited for the JOW bus in Maasim and to be Belatedly informed that the hearing was in Kiamba. My back aches because of the long ride. Lord thank You that it was not that late after all--NAKAHABOL :-). With Your guidance and providence, everything will be beautiful in Your time. God plz give us more patience, peace and strength :-)
Keep him safe always.

mi kalat kalat man na pag-ulan kanina eh mas kapansin-pansin ang maaliwalas na kalangitan. Sana ganyan din ang sitwasyon ko soon :-)
Praise GOD that i can write poems :-)
I hope it will be sweet ones soon
Those that as good as love songs
Last night, after writing a Comment on a Motion due today, I slept. I have a hearing today that is why i needed ample rest and so at around 11:15pm I already retired to bed. It was hard for me to sleep right away. After 3 hours, i woke up flooded with questions in my head. This time, it was more difficult to sleep again. Like I always do, I prayed to God to ease the pain I am feeling and to let me rest knowing that He will take charge of everything.
I am on a battle.
MAIBA TAYO NG TOPIC.. It was a joke that we waited for the JOW bus in Maasim and to be Belatedly informed that the hearing was in Kiamba. My back aches because of the long ride. Lord thank You that it was not that late after all--NAKAHABOL :-). With Your guidance and providence, everything will be beautiful in Your time. God plz give us more patience, peace and strength :-)
Keep him safe always.

mi kalat kalat man na pag-ulan kanina eh mas kapansin-pansin ang maaliwalas na kalangitan. Sana ganyan din ang sitwasyon ko soon :-)
Praise GOD that i can write poems :-)
I hope it will be sweet ones soon
Those that as good as love songs
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Starting the week right :-)
To be freed from this trap of uncertainty, i will invest on the sure ones, God and His perfect love :-) yeehah! I just have to keep reminding myself that He is in control and there is nothing i should worry about. Jesus be enthroned this week in our lives. Please have Your way in me and through me.
The Joy of Forgiveness
A Psalm of David. A Contemplation.[a]
1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
Whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity,
And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
3 When I kept silent, my bones grew old
Through my groaning all the day long.
4 For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. Selah
5 I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah
6 For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You
In a time when You may be found;
Surely in a flood of great waters
They shall not come near him.
7 You are my hiding place;
You shall preserve me from trouble;
You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will guide you with My eye.
9 Do not be like the horse or like the mule,
Which have no understanding,
Which must be harnessed with bit and bridle,
Else they will not come near you.
10 Many sorrows shall be to the wicked;
But he who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him.
11 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous;
And shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
To be freed from this trap of uncertainty, i will invest on the sure ones, God and His perfect love :-) yeehah! I just have to keep reminding myself that He is in control and there is nothing i should worry about. Jesus be enthroned this week in our lives. Please have Your way in me and through me.
The Joy of Forgiveness
A Psalm of David. A Contemplation.[a]
1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
Whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity,
And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
3 When I kept silent, my bones grew old
Through my groaning all the day long.
4 For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. Selah
5 I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah
6 For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You
In a time when You may be found;
Surely in a flood of great waters
They shall not come near him.
7 You are my hiding place;
You shall preserve me from trouble;
You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will guide you with My eye.
9 Do not be like the horse or like the mule,
Which have no understanding,
Which must be harnessed with bit and bridle,
Else they will not come near you.
10 Many sorrows shall be to the wicked;
But he who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him.
11 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous;
And shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Morning Deal: I choose to LOVE

pic taken from randalldsmith.com
Lord, is there anything that i can hide from you?
Would you not be able to discern my thoughts if i shut my mouth?
It'd be foolish for one to believe the chances thereof
When You are not comfortable anymore in the tablets of my heart
Father, I am ready for the vacuum cleaner and broom
All i want, You remain King in everything
Forgive me God when something else occupies my mind more than you do
Pardon those desires that set aside your best for me
Please attune the chords of my heart to the heavenly orchestra
Thank You for calling me into tears once again
I long for that frustration to be closest to You like the old times
How could I miss those intimacy these days
Remembering You God is not never enough for someone who loves you much
There should be an aching for more than ohio and hellos
And so I beg, sweep me away oh Lord, let me soak all of my senses in Your presence
Call me constantly to pour my heart out unto You
Treasure every opportunity to offer adoration into Your beautiful name
Oh God, how i rejoice that You heard all my praises and pleas
Apart from You, there is no peace but only emptiness
To You, I surrender every beating of my heart
Let me cry out in desperation, "I am Yours and You are mine"
I, Ilda Marie, do try her best to lift up her face,
With hands up in the air and tears flowing in her eyes,
Jesus, she's begging You, touch her, teach her and use her for Thine glory.
It is really amazing to wake up in the morning and you can feel the longing to pour your heart out to God. While it is true that He is always there and did not miss a single thought that crossed our minds, it is still different to take time to speak unto Him. The confidence that He hears feels awesome and that He keeps in a bottle every tear that I shed brings nothing but comfort. In every relationship, love is not a feeling that is fleeting. It is a commitment to stay and to nurture the characteristics of love (Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.8 Love never fails).
Love is a choice and it appeals to the emotion :-) We can feel love. To communicate love is natural for someone who has it flowing and growing within. May in every waking moment of ours, we will commit to love God and to love our neighbors. Father teach us the best way to share Your love though it entails pain on our part.
BASTA IKAW LORD! GO LANG AKO NG GO :-) thank You for seizing this day wonderfully that I can count on You that the rest of the week would be the same. Please help us to love You back.
Friday, November 7, 2014
First Time
pic from maxredefaul.jpg
Who would not feel the chill of going to school for the first time?
Who would not hear the throbbing heart on the first night of recitation?
Who would not want moral support on her first job interview?
Who would not want her first love to last forever?
Who would not be awed upon gazing His goodness for the first time?
Who would not agree that a first time could be God's perfect time?
Who does not know that every encounter with God is a refreshed first time?
Great is the Lord who is able to make the the ground fertile
when planted with seeds the first time
Flexibility is a must on first times knowing that coins have two sides
First times are not meant to be a downpour of struggles
Instead, it is a new breathe of hope and opportunity for maturity
Praise Him whose faithfulness and grace are not bound by first times
2014 is a season of first times for me :-)
after years of schooling, Hurrah! i started drafting application letters and resumes, went to see bosses for interviews, got rejected in one office and finally i met my work family when i was almost giving up already. There i am in the office, adjusting in my new environment and struggling to align my body clock to our office hours. Not long after i got hired, my series of court experiences kicked off. I always feared that i could not understand what judges say because my nerves impairs my hearing. I'm getting the hang of it so far :-) due to the repeated instances thereof.
Praise God for the favors in my practice. The first counter-affidavit i prepared was resolved favorably by the provincial prosecutor. The complaint was dismissed for lack of probable cause. The case for support which sucked out the life of me because of its voluminous records that i have to discuss one by one in the JA was also dismissed by the court in favor of our client. By God's grace, I hope that all other cases where i prepared their respective position papers will also be ruled according to our prayer.
I would not miss telling about my first time to teach :-) I taught Criminology students in RMMC. One of my 10, 000 reasons to worship the Lord is the way he sustained me in keeping two jobs where I am a neophyte to both fields. "In time you will learn the craft", was the line told by a co-teacher that hit me with loads of encouragement but my constant push was this line, "to teach is to touch lives forever". If God will allow, in the near future, I'll have 200 more or less police officers as my friends :-). I'll find time to write about my learning from my teaching and my students.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
accountability partners
friends are always counted as blessings from above :-)
After church, it was great to hang out with Niel and Luli. As friends, we are accountable to each other. When circumstances are overwhelming, prayer remains to be the best thing to do. What's next? I'll cross the bridge later as the Lord leads.

Luli and Co-uling. See you later sa birthday celebration of kuya Jun and Jojo. Kalimutan muna ang diet :-)
After church, it was great to hang out with Niel and Luli. As friends, we are accountable to each other. When circumstances are overwhelming, prayer remains to be the best thing to do. What's next? I'll cross the bridge later as the Lord leads.

Luli and Co-uling. See you later sa birthday celebration of kuya Jun and Jojo. Kalimutan muna ang diet :-)
Saturday, November 1, 2014
THIS is a bloggathon hahaha, i am having fun with it :-) so i'll keep going.
Sinong mag-aakala na ang isang ordinaryong araw ay itinakda
Upang ang dalwang tao ay sisimulan ang magpakailanman
Sa unay walang inaasahan kundi trabaho lang
Ngunit sa paglipas ng panahon ikaw ay di lumisan
Sa dalas ng pag-uusap, aso, politika at bituin ay di nakaligtas
Higit sa lahat, ang Panginoon ang inuuna sa bawat pagkakataon
Pambungad sa araw ay panalangin anupay sasarhan ng ganoon din
Mga gawing magpapatibay sa ating pananampalataya
Di ko ikaka-ila mi nagbago na sa aking nadarama
Mahal kong kaibigan, puso ko sanay iyong pagkaingatan
Ano man ang mangyari, huwag mong kakalimutan
Mas mahal ka ng nasa itaas at Sya ang iyong number one fan
Kapag kasama ka, ako ay panatag at masaya
Siguro nga ikaw ay mahal na at ayokong ikay mawawala
kaya lang, di ako sigurado kung mi aasahan
Dios lang ang nakakaalam
kung mi hihilingin man ako........... will continue this later :-) mi kailangang uunahin
Here is an excerpt of an article by JP:
The way to nip worrying in the bud is to do what our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace said, in Philippians 4:6-7:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Friend, make a choice to not worry. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). When there is something you are concerned about, bring it to the Lord in prayer. Just tell Him about the problem and cast your cares to Him, knowing that He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Then, thank Him that He has heard you and is doing something about the problem.
If you do this and cast every care to the Lord whenever you start to worry, “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus," and you’ll soon find a fresh supply of grace abounding toward you.
Sinong mag-aakala na ang isang ordinaryong araw ay itinakda
Upang ang dalwang tao ay sisimulan ang magpakailanman
Sa unay walang inaasahan kundi trabaho lang
Ngunit sa paglipas ng panahon ikaw ay di lumisan
Sa dalas ng pag-uusap, aso, politika at bituin ay di nakaligtas
Higit sa lahat, ang Panginoon ang inuuna sa bawat pagkakataon
Pambungad sa araw ay panalangin anupay sasarhan ng ganoon din
Mga gawing magpapatibay sa ating pananampalataya
Di ko ikaka-ila mi nagbago na sa aking nadarama
Mahal kong kaibigan, puso ko sanay iyong pagkaingatan
Ano man ang mangyari, huwag mong kakalimutan
Mas mahal ka ng nasa itaas at Sya ang iyong number one fan
Kapag kasama ka, ako ay panatag at masaya
Siguro nga ikaw ay mahal na at ayokong ikay mawawala
kaya lang, di ako sigurado kung mi aasahan
Dios lang ang nakakaalam
kung mi hihilingin man ako........... will continue this later :-) mi kailangang uunahin
Here is an excerpt of an article by JP:
The way to nip worrying in the bud is to do what our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace said, in Philippians 4:6-7:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Friend, make a choice to not worry. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). When there is something you are concerned about, bring it to the Lord in prayer. Just tell Him about the problem and cast your cares to Him, knowing that He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Then, thank Him that He has heard you and is doing something about the problem.
If you do this and cast every care to the Lord whenever you start to worry, “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus," and you’ll soon find a fresh supply of grace abounding toward you.
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