Sunday, November 30, 2014

Love is a beautiful thing :-)

Even it was not yet the right love, it was beautiful
The clouds were right under my feet
No candy is sweeter than mutual affection and commitment

I always knew that there is no such as a perfect relationship
But I've seen several lovely ones
Those were couples who see themselves holding hands till death do them part

The strong foundation of their vows is God
Only Him is able to knot life strings
Only Him could add threads to keep it strong over the years

To whomever it is shared
As long as it is mutual and God is the center thereof
Love will consistently be a beautiful thing

I'll never give up to keep praying
Till you pursue me my Prince Blessing
While waiting, I'll continuing growing to be Proverbs 31

I dream to write a song as beautiful as that of Yeng's "Ikaw". I know in my heart that it will come :-) Kailangan ko rin siguro ng engagement ring para mailabas ko ng lubos :-)


let me add a note on what I learned when i joined the outreach of my CC Davao family last Thursday.

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Yup, i encountered the verse again. The added realization from the sharing was, ONLY GOD CAN CREATE a pure heart in us. We have to ask it from Him because on our own we would always fall short of His glory. God is holy and He can make us the same.

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