a cutie song that means a lot in my heart
the way it was sung to me resounds clearly in my head
the reason behind, i longed to have kept rolling
but i was told, it was not for me to hold
our memories become a part of my sleep
i always brave to let it slip away
the way they linger is like the sunrise
I often ask myself, how can i forget them all?
in time, a good smile will go with the memories
in time, they will become less
in time, i will build new ones
when, how and with whom, i leave that to God
I never had an interest over someone who is taken because it is sin to covet someone or something who/that belongs to another and it is a form of envy. If i were to have a boyfriend or husband someday, I do not want someone desires that me and my partner will fall apart so that they may have the chance to have him as hers or me to be his. The people around us must support our relationship specially in prayer.
Deuteronomy 5:21
21 ‘You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife; and you shall not desire your neighbor’s house, his field, his male servant, his female servant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.’
1 Corinthians 13
:4 Love suffers long and is kind; LOVE DOES NOT ENVY; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
:5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
:6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
:7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
:8 Love never fails.
My prayer is always for what is best before God's eyes. Thy will be done is my amen. For Him to take away from me what are not His is the substance of my pleas to Him lately. I cannot keep wanting what was withdrawn to be mine. I don't know what lies ahead but whatever it is, it should start on a new page. A clean page where there are no entanglements from the past.
It must be clear and simple. The guy must love a girl because God told him so and he gladly listened to Him :-) One thing I am sure about is that God honors our personal decisions specially with respect to relationships. The perfect will is always there but it will not be forced upon us. What is better to know is that God is a God of 2nd chance, 3rd chance, 4th etc that whoever people end up with marrying can still be made His perfect will for them if He will be the center of their commitment.
Again, love is a choice. Feelings/Attraction would always be a vital part thereof but love must survive even if the honeymoon stage is over. Letting go of someone for him/her to pursue his/her happiness is definitely a gesture of true love. As long as our relationship with Christ is strong then our relationships with others will hang steadily.

HERE IS A RELATED POST BY HAROLD SALA in wwww.guidelines.org under the Commentaries Section dated October 8, 2014
Thou shalt not covet... Exodus 20:17, KJV
One of the greatest qualities of the Bible is its universal grasp of human nature. Should you or I have written some of the stories of the Bible, surely we would have glossed over some of the defects of human character, especially when it comes to our own shortcomings; yet the Holy Spirit saw fit to include the grossest aspects of personal failure: David's affair with Bathsheba, the sinfulness of Sodom; it's all there, a catalog of human vices and failures.
At the same time the Bible recognizes the weakness of flesh, it offers a solution to human weaknesses and gives direction for living that enables man to break out of his dilemma. These timeless principles which are found in the Bible recognize the weaknesses of the flesh, yet serve as guidelines to help us avoid the pitfalls of the flesh.
In a sense the Ten Commandments are barriers that protect us from ourselves. The tenth commandment deals with one of humanity's oldest problems, the problem of greed. It says, "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or his maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor" (Exodus 20:17).
To covet means to desire, to want something strongly which belongs to another. The sin of covetousness‑‑wanting what does not belong to you‑‑has been the cause of war, murder, rape, theft, adultery, broken homes, broken friendships, and broken lives. The road to covetousness is a well traveled one, and those who follow its path are in the company of those who have been considered great by many. The steps to covetousness are outlined in the testimony of a man who eventually lost his life as the result of his greed. His name was Achan and he lived during the period of time when the Israelites marched against Jericho.
Do you remember the incident? When Joshua led the children of Israel across the Jordan, the first city to fall was Jericho. Then they were to march against the city of Ai, which was nearby. Instead of another victory, the army met with defeat. Counting the losses, 36 were slain. Joshua fell on his face and cried out, "Why, Lord? How come our defeat?" God said, "Joshua, get up off your face! Israel has sinned and has transgressed my covenant." He brought the tribes before him one by one. When Judah stood before him, God let Joshua know the problem was here. Then families came, then a single man stood in front of Joshua. His name was Achan. "What have you done?" Joshua demanded. Achan fumbled for words and finally explained, saying, "When I saw in the plunder a beautiful robe from Babylonia, two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them..." (Joshua 7:21). The three words which Achan used outline clearly the steps to destruction for many a person: I saw, I coveted, I took.
Certainly that was true of King David, who went out on the porch one day as a beautiful woman was bathing on a nearby rooftop. Her name was Bathsheba, and seeing how lovely she was, David wanted her for his wife. But there was one problem: She was the wife of another man. Seeing her was the first step; wanting or coveting her was the second, and taking what did not belong to him was the third. There is a strange thing about covetousness, and that is that quite often those who have the most are the ones who are often the most covetous of what others have. Seemingly, the more you have the more you want.
Resource Reading: Romans 7:7-12.
pic taken from wwww.crafts.lovetoknow.com
My dear is far from being perfect
But he is committed to be a better man
He has his own share of struggles and weaknesses
More enough to keep him humble and God-dependent
My dear commits mistakes
But he swallows his pride and confesses his guilt
He does not entertain bitterness
His heart is free from condemnation because God forgives
My dear cannot dwell in uncertainties
He seeks wisdom from God to make the right choices at the crossroads
He depends on God for strength and willpower to obey His leading
He considers life a chance to be more like Jesus
My dear prepares for the future
But he seeks God's ultimate plan in his life
Jeremiah 29:11 says it all
A promise in the bible that keeps him pushing on
My dear strives to work harmoniously with everybody
He considers his colleagues as brothers and sisters
He has compassion for them and their respective families
He is sensitive to their needs and is willing to extend help as his means may permit
My dear is a guy who sees me fit to be his wife
He treasures prayer and daily devotion
Marriage and family receive priority for him
He puts God above all his concerns
My dear would love to be the breadwinner of our nest
He will keep his parents and mine close to our side
He will let me love, submit to and serve him
Together, we will be a model of how a christian-family must be
I'll have you my dear in my life
I don't know when
When it comes, it will be lasting this time
That's the confidence I have in me
So, are you my dear?
I wish to know if it is for real
Know me more and let me do the same as to you
Let us be friends, best friends and if He wills, each other's lifetime DEAR :-)
Since i no longer teach at night, i had all the time to go home :-) specially now that ate Jing is around. However, i cannot sleep well in our house because i share room with my sisters. They sleep late and so do i. The result:

stay safe :-) Jesus loves you.
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