Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Life verse: John 15:12

When Christ was born, God was with us 
Before He died, He destroyed the temple
Do you know why?
He wants to dwell in us

Let this celebration remind us to cleanse our hearts
that He may be comfortable in His chosen home
If He is still outside the door of your soul
Let Him come in that your spirit may live with Him forevermore

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

His coming to the world gave us reason to strive for a purposeful life 
He died that we may live a life that is free from sin
He overcame the world and by Him we can do the same
We would not be perfect now but we will be someday in our glorious union with Him


All the favors, grace, mercy, love and blessings i received from God are as many as the stars and the sand but there is one gift I treasure the most, the fact that He made Himself known to me. I could not imagine how my life had been if I did not meet Him when I was 18. Do not get me wrong, I heard of God and Jesus since I knew how to talk but it remained just a "knowledge" such us I knew who is the president of USA for years. I grew up not ignorant of the laws and the stories in the Bible just as I as knew what are history and the current events. Somehow, they have influenced my disposition in life. I have to be good because it was the right thing to do but it was not the driving force in me.

By being good, I was obedient to my parents, a responsible student and sibling, into different involvements that facilitates social responsibility BUT i had tantrums too as a typical teenager/youth.
I care about my friends and I love my neighbors. I had a thankful heart and compassion for others because that's what my parents taught me.

During 1st year college, I tried my best to be at the chapel EVERYDAY which caused me to gain friends among the church people (priests and altar boys), we called each other as "kaberks" and we do high fives wherever and whenever we meet inside and outside the church. I explored every church activity that would make me more religious. I had opportunities to dig deeper into the doctrines of my "born" denomination--I've asked about confession, communion, bells, purgatory and etc and the priests consistently answered me that all those were observed because of tradition.

Yes, I became religious over the year but nothing has change in my person. I praise God and say curse with the same mouth. I joined Youth For Christ in school so that I have a body of students to fellowship to and they were all like me, "we are good and religious people". At one point, I became a member of TAWILI which is a charismatic group of the Roman Catholic sect and a regular attendee of KERYGMA headed by Bo Sanchez. I bought all books authored by Bo Sanchez and made them as my official gifts to my friends. That year made me a super Catholic where I know every line to answer back during mass and I can sing very well those few and repeatedly sang songs. Not to miss mentioning that I had bruises in joining the way of the cross procession where we had to walk half kilometer from one station to the next and to kneel down whenever we recite the novenas. I'd say that I did my all to be a devoted Catholic. Despite being one, I explored more of the world too, I tasted hard drinks, went to discos, and even smoked that destroyed my nostrils instantly. I became thirsty too of popularity that is why I actively joined various extra-curricular activities. I won declamation contests, I was a debater representing my batch, an ace to various ball games specially volleyball (swimming is not a ball game but I am best at it too--school level), never left out in crayons, paints and pastels and who would not recruit me for singing, dancing, acting and hosting. Those involvements can be expected from an exploring Jack of All Trades like me. 

Before college, I was never in the front row but always behind the shadows of others. My first year in college as they say was my "time to shine" and it happened. A prime year of my life where most people in the campus know me though I was only a first year student. My seniors expected me to be the president when i reach 4th year because of my active involvement in everything without compromising my studies. 

HOWEVER, all of their expectations did not materialized because the twist in my life came forth. An event which caused my world to turn upside down and changed the course of my life 180 degrees. 

Summer of 2008, I turned 18 and my family's gift to me was Rick Warren's book, Purpose Driven life. After finishing the book, I did a lot of thinking as to what was my purpose in living and I got curious to experience intimacy with the Lord. My ates in YFC could not expound well the idea of Christ in us whether it could be literally felt. 

The location of the ATM where i withdraw my allowance was next to Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship of Iloilo wherein whenever I get my money, I pass by the church and their posted schedule for bible study caught my eye. One of my kaberks-priest was fond of mentioning bible verses in his sermons and that made him my favorite amongst the rest. There was a time when he apologized to us because he sounded like a "protestant preacher" and only then I had an idea that protestant churches are taught like that "flooded with bible verses".   My interest to attend a bible study grew until I had the courage to join CCBF one night. I love their style, intelligent way of studying the bible, verse by verse, book by book, and the "family-like" ambiance among the members. I felt welcome, cared for and loved much which made me stay in the fellowship. For months I attended every church service they have except on Sundays where I still went to the RC mass.

I could not exactly recall the date of my first Sunday at CCBF but one thing for sure there was an occasion, there was food (potluck). Hehe pagkain lang pala ang katapat ko noon. Then I continued attending, my eyes was opened to the truth and my life continued to transform. 

Romans 10:17
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

For the rest of my life, I'll cherish the fact that God drawn me to Him and He made me see His true for me, for all of us. I always get teary when I remember how He changed my life, my person, my future,  my everything that nothing could lure me away from it, not success, not family,nothing. 

With my growing knowledge of His word and constant fellowship, I learned to pray and I develop genuine love for God and for others. Yes, I was almost disowned by my family and suffered so much persecution from them and from the others but the TRUTH had been my stronghold to keep on. It did not matter to me that I was branded "KJ" because i no longer drink, go to disco, read pocketbooks, laugh at green jokes and entertain gossips. My faith in Him was tested by taking away all that I used to value above Him, my family, friends and studies. My family got mad at me that no one bothered to reply to my sms and they ignored answering my calls, they just sent me my allowance (thankful for that one though) and when I went home for vacations, it is as if I'm invisible. I was the talk of the town in our clan and neighborhood. I was not remiss in my studies but my professor summoned me as to why my last year's 1.75 went down as low as 2.75. My friends keep quiet whenever I step in the classroom and I could not relate much anymore to them because I was busy acquainting myself of Christian songs and had no time to listen to secular songs. Somehow I was branded as "lost". 

I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
No turning back, no turning back.

Though I may wonder, I still will follow;
Though I may wonder, I still will follow;
Though I may wonder, I still will follow;
No turning back, no turning back.

The world behind me, the cross before me;
The world behind me, the cross before me;
The world behind me, the cross before me;
No turning back, no turning back.

Though none go with me, still I will follow;
Though none go with me, still I will follow;
Though none go with me, still I will follow;
No turning back, no turning back.

Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
No turning back, no turning back.

from wikipedia:

"I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" is a Christian hymn originating from India.

The lyrics are based on the last words of a man in Assam, north-east India, who along with his family was converted to Christianity in the middle of the 19th century through the efforts of a Welsh missionary. Called to renounce his faith by the village chief, the convert declared, "I have decided to follow Jesus." In response to threats to his family, he continued, "Though no one joins me, still I will follow." His wife was killed, and he was executed while singing, "The cross before me, the world behind me." This display of faith is reported to have led to the conversion of the chief and others in the village.[1]

The formation of these words into a hymn is attributed to the Indian missionary Sadhu Sundar Singh.[2] The melody is also Indian, and entitled "Assam" after the region where the text originated.[3] The fierce opposition is possible as various tribes in that area were formerly renowned for head-hunting.[4]

An American hymn editor, William Jensen Reynolds, composed an arrangement which was included in the 1959 Assembly Songbook. His version became a regular feature ofBilly Graham's evangelistic meetings in America and elsewhere, spreading its popularity.[5]

Due to the lyrics' explicit focus on the believer's own commitment, the hymn is cited as a prime example of decision theology, emphasising the human response rather than the action of God in giving faith.[6] This has led to its exclusion from some hymnals.[6] A Lutheran writer noted, "It definitely has a different meaning when we sing it than it did for the person who composed it."[7]

When I decided to commit myself in following Jesus for the rest of my life, I knew the world would not be kind to me but life is harder if I live through it without or apart from Him.

John 16:33

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.
 In the world you will[a] have tribulation; but be of good cheer, 
I have overcome the world.”

Life has never been the same for me and I do not want to go back to where I was before. When I was new in my walk, my favorite word was WOW. I was always amazed to behold each day His wondrous works in me and the world around me. All the best that I had prior to meeting Christ in a personal level were not set aside but were utilized for His greater glory and to bless others. I remained active in various extra-curricular activities but they were already called ministries. I still sing, act, dance, teach, and draw but all in church setting and for the Lord's work. We did outreaches in campuses, distributed gospel tracks in public places specially in plazas, conducted children Sunday school in slum areas and many other ministries. Of course, being part of the core group, we are also active in keeping the church orderly and so we are together in cleaning, preparing the program, updating the bulletin board and other concerns in running a church. My life had never been meaningful until I learned how the Lord could make use of my life for His works.

Though the start of my Christian journey was bombarded with trials, by His grace I was able to firmly withstood them all. And the way He restored everything was amazing. My relationship with my family got stronger. They said "it does not matter anymore that my church change because my character and attitude also changed"-- (bumait daw ako, oo naman hehe thanks). I became a Dean's lister during my 3rd year and almost been one on my last year in college. Then my friends multiplied and the existing ones became deeper.

To love Christ is like any relationship where knowing each other is an essential part of it. In reading and studying the Bible i understood more His thoughts, His great love for us and I learned how I can love Him back. Over the years, I have proven that only Him I can run to when all else fail and only Him who can love me unconditionally. The ONLY and ULTIMATE answer to all empty pursuits, pains, insecurities and doubts in life is JESUS.

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;

6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct[a] your paths.

It is different to do all things for the Lord and to offer our life to Him. I obey my parents, I serve others, I forgive those who offend me, I am friendly, I try to be kind in words and in deed, I study and work well, I take care of myself, I love others, and I strive to do all the right things FOR THE LORD. When I became a true believer that is the only time I fully understood Proverbs 3:5-6--what it is like to trust Him and acknowledge Him in EVERYTHING.   

There is a big difference to say that "I know God" from saying that "I am working to know God with all my heart and soul ". To love Him more each day because He first loved us is a lifetime commitment. The kind of love that not everyone understands because they missed the miracle He did on the cross.

Now that I am in the new chapter of my life, starting a new year literally, I beg God to help me to be consistent and to mature more in my christian walk. I hope that my love for Him will never grow cold.  I want to have the courage to welcome life's testings and boldly declare thereafter  "His grace is sufficient.". May He continue to use me for the furtherance of His kingdom, that many will be saved because I shared the gospel to them and many will be moved to press on in their christian journey considering me as their inspiration. They call it redemptive life testimony. My greatest desires are the same: for me to die strong in faith and salvation for all. May my family and friends receive Jesus as their Savior and King and that they will enjoy God's goodness and faithfulness in their lifetime and that they grab every opportunity to serve and  cause to smile a humble and loving King.

2 Corinthians 12:9

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, 
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
 Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, 
that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Though I have Christ in me, it does not mean that I am flawless because our transformation to be like Him is a lifetime process. I still stumble and fall but I no longer run after sin. Since I became a true Christian, I still sin but this time, I exert effort to run away from sin.

After some reflection, I really wanted to say sorry to someone because I was used as a form of "temptation" to challenge their relationship (unintentionally). I've been a burden to said person, I acted childish for blocking calls from his end (I swore not to do it ever again), for ignoring him and walking away because I did not extend my patience to its last mile  and for shooing him away thrice without explaining well why I did so (only to realize that I could not bear the thought of losing him that is why I always say sorry[thrice]).

It is now moot and academic because the bond was cut.
I can but apply the good ones and work on not to do anymore the bad ones so that I will not be a burden again to anybody with my off attitude before. The experience would be useless if it does not change me to be a better person. 

Special realizations from said reflection:
1. I can bear his absence because Christ in me has always been more than enough and in my weakness, His grace is sufficient. 
2. Aside from extending forgiveness to others, I've forgiven myself for my contributory fault.
3. Memories are not easy to forget but they fade in time as new ones replace them.
4. Prayer helps but there are practical things that may quicken the process such us changing of cellular phone tones, investing in other relationships, enhancing other skills (music) and PRINTING A PICTURE OF A HANDSOME FACE, PUT IN A FRAME AND PLACE IT ON TOP OF MY WORKING TABLE----------------------> joke----but i am interested of trying---hahahaha
Whose face would fit such purpose? I will search for it.

                                     would you not smile if you see this picture of Ronan? :-P
pic taken from tellymix.co.uk

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