Monday, December 29, 2014

LESS POSTS in 2015

Just a few days more, my workload will surge therefore I may not have time anymore to post here BUT I'll try my very best to come up with a weekly entry.

As I am fond of poems, I do not need so much time composing one because I write from the heart :-) where the words just flow. I have to have it (inspiration) to write poems which hardly has a place in me when my mind is filled with deadlines and work-related concerns.

How tight my schedule will be, I will not miss the significant ones, God, people and enough rest :-)
I need wisdom for time management. I will just chew what I can swallow. God bless us all this coming 2015 and let us take one step at a time.

pic taken from

Did you notice that 2015's color of the year, Marsala, is of the shade of my favorite color, Maroon.?This could be my year then :-) Prepare for a blast.
pic taken from
a pillow in Marsala shade case, lovely :-)

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