Sunday, December 21, 2014

Just Like

just like the morning dew,
grace is the moist that wets our dry souls
just like the morning breeze that kisses our face, 
mercy awakens and cools our sleeping faith

just like a big and tight hug
love warms our freezing hearts
just like a maiden's first kiss
hope lingers and is lasting

just like the shining sun
having Jesus is having a lighted path
just like the twinkling stars above
so is the Father's compassion for us, innumerable 

just like the pen i use in signing
my words will put forth influence and worthwhile legacy
just like God's love
by His empowerment, my faith in Him shall never fail

just like halo-halo 
all my  experiences (good & bad)  produce a sweet taste of life
just like the poems i write
i hope God will make my life worth noting and sharing

pic taken from

i will never grow tired composing poems :-) thanks be to God for this gift in writing

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