Monday, December 22, 2014


if you really love her, go pursue that lady
all you need is the approval of God-daddy
if you were meant to be
all the roads would lead to her way

if you found her, take her by the hand
but do not make promises that you could not keep
above all, do not make her a fool
because she already is in giving you a chance despite all odds

if you break her heart
she will forgive you and she will be more careful next time
if it is her first time to fall and break
 the cut is surely deep

how do you take care of her then?
consider her your mother or sister
accord her with utmost respect and adoration
take heed of the whispers from heaven

lovely lady, guard your heart from the sweet words of the lad
look not only on his eyes but on his inner intentions too
do not fall for the uncertain
always remember, a relationship is not gambling

there is a way of knowing if he loves the Lord
listen to his talk, observe his walk
if he submits to our gracious God
he will cherish you as God has designed

as long as there is air to breathe, do not lose heart
life is about Jesus who loves us perfectly
there is no hole in our lives that He could not fill
and no broken thing He could not make whole again

to our caring God
pardon us for anything that breaks Your heart
Please help us to keep ourselves wholly devoted to You
and thank You for keeping us ONE PIECE

fall and break : rise and make
pics taken from: (respectively)

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