Monday, December 8, 2014

the King in swaddling cloths

Do you see that? Thanks to Gladery Fishing for my first wrapped present this Christmas :-) I am not after receiving any but I am blessed to have one. My watery skin needs no lotion but i will surely use those good-smelling suspensions. What drew a big smile on my face is that MAROON 2015 planner! An angel whispered to them my favorite color and the planner is a very useful thing in my work. Happy shalala.

Around lunch today, I was glad to hear the giggling sound of this baby. Her nick is EC. She is just 4 months old but she moves like one who is 2 months older. Likot na baby este Bibong baby. While ate Janet accommodated the parents' queries, I volunteered to babysit :-)

two thousand plus years ago
the world received the greatest gift of all
an innocent babe wrapped in swaddling cloths 
was sent to rule and reign not in an earthly throne
but in the hearts of those who will receive Him

the biggest and brightest star lighted up the sky
no eye could escape it
but i wonder why many hardened their hearts
why they fell deaf ears to the choir of angels
blessed are the shepherds and the wise men who did not miss it

Though He ascended to heaven after redeeming us
He did not abandon His precious ones, He sent the Holy Spirit
who keeps knocking at the door of anyone's heart
that whosoever opens it and let Him in
love, peace, hope and joy are there to rest for eternity.

pic taken from

From my study before of Christ's birth, besides the emphasis on the reason of His coming (redemption), I loved to know that the first set of people who responded to the good news were the shepherds. During their time, those who tend the sheep were considered as the outcast. The world loves conditionally. Genuine and unconditional acceptance is only true in Christ. Everybody may reject us or treat us 2nd rated but in Christ we are fully loved and cared for. Indeed, He is close to the meek and poor in spirit and He detests the haughty ones. 

David was a shepherd but God made him king
For coveting Bathsheba, He stumbled and fall
Our merciful and gracious God forgave and restored him
And He called David, the man after His own heart

I am a christian girl
By His grace, I endeavor to make the best in life to please Him
In simplicity I expect Him to do the extraordinary 
To be the woman after His own heart, that's what i long in me

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