Tuesday, December 23, 2014

hate sin but not the sinner

On January, my review on Real Estate Broker's Licensure Exam will start and it will run til the end of February. It sounds taxing but i hope i can manage to balance my time at work, special lectures at 4th coy, board meeting with UPAA and preparation for the exam that is why i will start reading this December. I bought a reviewer which is less than 300 pages. If I'll be diligent, I can finish it this week :-) Maybe it would be best if I will go anywhere but near my bed otherwise i will hug my pillows the whole day. Just like back in law school, a fastfood chain branch shall be my study hall.

In my daily devotion, i prefer to read through the Bible and personally grasp what God has for me for the day and I try to avoid getting just influenced by someone else's  reflection. However, in every rule there is an exception and so I bought this year-long devotional book by one of my favorite authors, Harold Sala.

Since it is new and it has all the dates in the calendar, I was curious to check on what was written on my birthday. What a timely issue to deal to now. I love to answer the question/title with a resounding YES, however, I admit that I want to dismiss every single thing that would remind me of what i went through. I do not hate any person but what i experienced should never be done to anyone. How distasteful it was.
According to the article, healing is a process which i agree with 100%. I could forgive any offense against me as Christ forgives absolutely and without qualification.

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