Sunday, December 14, 2014

Amazing King :-)

pic taken from

Awesome, that is what You are Lord
Amazing, all were Your creations
Wonderful, You called your own
Blessed, we are because of Your love

You designed the heavens with Your greatness
Every star tells of Your majesty
Lord, what did you make that is not beautiful?
Our eyes, our ears, all of our senses could not miss Your faithfulness

To the ends of the world we want to declare, amazing King
Wonderful, Savior, Holy, Creator God
Merciful, Prince of peace, awesome Lord
Blessed be Your name forevermore 

Fill our hearts with gladness,
For we know You made us white as snow
You came down, been one of us, died on the cross and did not leave us orphans
God, why are you mindful of man? 

It is because You are the amazing King
Wonderful, Savior, Holy Creator God
Merciful, Prince of peace, awesome Lord
Blessed be Your name forevermore 

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